flashers blown!!!!!

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Hey Caymen,

Guess what? I just copy and pasted your posts and guess what was spelled wrong?

separates and grammar in the first post

separates in the second post

apparently in the third post

Guess what I used to check it?

Microsoft Word


YES, we are all too touchy as of late. Yes, we should all be able to give and take constructive criticism, but it seems for many here that is VERY difficult. I thought Caymen's criticism was well meaning and constructive. I support him in providing int.

However, as someone accused of preaching on other threads by Caymen and others I find it ironic that Caymen criticizes the poster for grammar; yet when I criticize someone for illegal street racing Caymen more or less tells me to get a life (or supports those saying the same).

A lack of a period here or there never killed anyone.

Hey Caymen,

Guess what? I just copy and pasted your posts and guess what was spelled wrong?

separates and grammar in the first post

separates in the second post

apparently in the third post

Guess what I used to check it?

Microsoft Word

I guess it is better to use no punctuation so the post would look like this...would you agree?

Hey Caymen Guess what I just copy and pasted your posts and guess what was spelled wrong separates and grammar in the first post separates in the second post apparently in the third post Guess what I used to check it Microsoft Word

Pretty ignorant...isn't it.

My first post.

Dude, please start trying to use some type of punctuation. I know you aren't that stupid that you don't know what goes where. A period will give the reader a place to get his/her breath and it also seperates lines of thought.

A little grammer work will go a long way in getting your message answered in a short time.

I am not trying to be a jerk, but come on already!!!


Where did I say anything about spelling or that I can spell and nobody else can?

Second a third post, again, no hint of saying anything about spelling. I just kindly asked you to please put a period at the end of a sentence so we know it is a statement. A question mark behind a question so we know it is a question and not a statement. An exclamation point to know that it is a statement with some type of importance or force in your voice.

Three statements that could be understood three different ways.

I need help.

I need help?

I need help!

See the difference?

Nah... we will let the reader figure it out.

i need help

Was it a question, statement or a type of emergency? Who cares. If nobody responds I will blame it on the website and not myself.

OK everyone, its time time for cookies and a nap. That's why you're so grummpy now.

BTW tyler, the fuse locations are in your owners manual.

You are now the official mysporttrac.com's grammar teacher. What would we do with out you? :rolleyes:

And tyler, make sure that the wiring harness is secure, you are getting a short somewhere in that CC.

Ape Out.


Shouldn't you say..

"tom you are now the official mysporttraccoms grammar teacher what would we do with out you and tyler make sure that the wiring harness is secure you are getting a short somewhere in that cc ape out"

Isn't that so easy to unnderstand?

Just think I read books all the time. I even try to remember to put a period at the end of my sentence.

Man, did anyone tell the boy where the fuse was,its number 21.Tom I can figure out what he said,but it does make it easier if it is readable. Ron
Tom I can figure out what he said,but it does make it easier if it is readable.

That is all I asked. I was being nice too. Nobody here gets paid to help others with their problems. We do this as an online community that share a common interest in one vehicle, the Ford Explorer Sport Trac. We do this to help a "brother" or "sister" with a question or problem they might have. We also help others make a decision on what options to get or not to get. We help each other out without reference to color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc. As I said before, nobody gets paid to help anyone else out.

The least someone can do is put punctuation in a post. That goes a long way in helping someone help you and to get the best answer possible to a problem someone might have. Is that too much to ask? The English language is difficult to spell since there are so many rules that are not followed. Arkansas is pronounced different that Kansas, though Arkansas should be technically pronounced Ar Kansas. Picture and Pitcher when pronounced both sound alike but not the same. Someone from one part of the country may pronounce them both the same way. I worked with a guy from WV that pronounced "Tire" as Tar. Brakes and breaks are too different things, but some people will say they are having break problems, but we know what they are talking about.

A period is a simple little dot that separates one thought from another. A period here, a period there will make a difficult post easy to read.

Is that really bad to ask, note I said ask because that is what I did in my original post, for someone to put a period at the end of a sentence? Is it that hard to put a question mark behind a question so everyone knows it is a question? Am I asking too much? Come on people. Honestly!

Is that really asking too much?

does it really hurt you that bad tom? Do uyou have to argue over something as simple as a period r comma. I am 15 and don't argue as much as you do.
Bottom line Tom, he didn't ask for an English lesson, he asked for help with his flasher problem, which you never even attempted to answer. You just wanted to belittle him in from of the whole site. You really need a shorter horse.

Ape Out.
Ape, I have to stick up for Tom on this one and point out to everyone that this is an open, mostly unmoderated forum, and as such, we should expect threads to go off on tangents now and then.

Furthermore, we ALL should be able to take constructive criticism and NOT consider it a personal attack or a form of belittling.

The original post, like that of someone who posts in ALL-CAPS, in my opinion shows a lack of respect (even if unintentional) to those that are meant to read it. If it is worth posting, it should be worth forming in a somewhat coherent fashion.

I will admit that it seems a little like the "pot calling the kettle black" with Caymen's criticism as I have seen him butcher a post or two. But, for what it's worth, I see Caymen getting much better. Does that mean that we have to employ the old "He without sin..." adage? I don't think anyone can live up to that.

Have fun folks, and remember we can all grow and be better if we GIVE and ACCEPT constructive criticism. To criticize one for their actions does not mean you are labeling that person as bad, or inferior. You are commenting on their actions, and we are ONLY defined by our actions if we refuse to change them.

P.S. Sorry about the fuse...can't help you there tyler.

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You are right. I guess it is to much to ask for someone to type something that is easy to read since I am not getting paid to do this.

Why haven't you helped him on any of his posts? Are you one that prefers to stir the pot?

Or should I say?

you are right i guess it is to much to ask for someone to type something that is easy to read since i am not getting paid to do this why havent you helped him on any of his posts are you one that prefers to stir the pot

Much Better!

Sorry, folks ... I really don't want to jump in the middle, but this whole discussion reminds me of a test I had in school many years ago.

Punctuate the following sentence so that it makes sense:

Bill where John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.

The answer: Bill, where John had had “had,” had had “had had.” “Had had” had had a better effect on the teacher.

And Tyler, sorry, I don't have the fuse answer either.
