Ford Ordered to Pay $29M in Rollover Crash

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Sep 14, 2003
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Davie, FL
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) - Ford Motor Co. was hit with a $29 million jury award Friday in the case of a 22-year-old woman who was partially paralyzed after the Firestone tire on her Explorer failed and the vehicle rolled over.

Firestone previously paid an undisclosed settlement in the case.

Plaintiff attorneys touted the case as the first Ford-Firestone case to go all the way to a verdict since Firestone tire recalls started in 1999.

"You have a situation where all the parties agreed there was a tire defect, but the question was who's ultimately responsible for the accident," Corpus Christi plaintiff attorney Roger S. Braugh Jr. said.

Attorneys for plaintiff Rose Maria Munoz argued that the vehicle had a problem known as a rear axle "skate" that led to the driver's inability to handle the vehicle after a de-tread. Attorneys also said Ford had a role in designing Firestone tires.

Ford spokeswoman Kathleen Vokes said the case would be appealed.

"Our concern goes out to Ms. Munoz, but this accident was caused by driver error," she said.

Braugh said the case also brought attention to the issue of tire aging and what automobile manufacturers needed to let consumers know.

"How to you age your tire? When is a tire old?" he said. He said the manufacturers have been aware of the problem since the late 1980s, but failed to provide information.

The vehicle in question was using an original spare tire sold with the vehicle that was more than 10 years old.

The accident occurred in 2002 near Poteet, Texas. Munoz was one of four occupants of an Explorer that had been sold as a 1999 Mazda Navajo. The left rear Firestone tire on the Navajo de-treaded, and the vehicle rolled several times. Munoz, who was ejected from the vehicle, was the only one seriously injured.

The three-week trial was before a jury of seven women and five men.

Using a spare? Ejected from the vehicle? So they were riding around on a tire not meant to go more than 55mph and she wasn't wearing a seat belt? IF that's the case, it's probably a good thing she can't reproduce; last thing we need is more stupid people running around.
If its a 99 and its 05 that would mean its used right????? hows ford responsible, what happends if that was not the same spare that came with the car, they can't prove that
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Using a spare? Ejected from the vehicle? So they were riding around on a tire not meant to go more than 55mph and she wasn't wearing a seat belt? IF that's the case, it's probably a good thing she can't reproduce; last thing we need is more stupid people running around.

If it's like mine, I have a regular tire as a spare..... same size and all (it's a wrangler rts) as the oem tires. I've replaced 4 of the oem tires, but spare is original. I routinely drove over 55 on the oem tires, does this mean I am stupid too?
Do you rotate the spare in like you're supposed to if it's an original size? If not, then yes, I would say that. It's routine maintenance, and if done properly, the accident MAY not have happened. That's why I capitolized "IF" because we didn't know the full circumstances. If a person does not take care of their vehicle, and it breaks, it should not be Ford's fault. I had Firestones up to the 23k mark, never had a problem. Had Michelin LTX MS to the 60k mark. And I now have Wrangler HPs, and I like them the best of all the tires I've had. I'm pretty careful about what I say on here cause I know someone will always take it the wrong way, but IF she was not properly maintaining her vehicle, then I don't think she deserves a dime, and if she was in Alabama, the state would have written her a ticket for not wearing her seat belt.
Yep JeffC, I've noticed how careful you are about what you say. I can't imagine taking something like this:

"it's probably a good thing she can't reproduce; last thing we need is more stupid people running around."

........the wrong way!

Hey, I didn't say it about anyone on this site; anyone that gets $29million for being a DumbA$$ doesn't belong in the gene pool. Some lawyer convinced 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty that Ford was responsible for this person's negligence.

And this is after Firestone settled; pick someone to be responsible. You can't blame 2 companies for the same thing. If one's responsible, the other's not.
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Hey, look what happened to U-haul and the lawsuit. From what i remember, U0haul lost a lawsuit with some people, I think they were teens, were driving above the legal speed limit and wrecked thier Explorer towing a U-Haul trailer. They were not wearing thier seatbelt and speeding. U-Haul lost the case and had to pay up.

I guess if I buy a car, disable the speed limiter, turbocharge the engine to 500+ HP and drive it to 175 MPH with S rated tires, I can sue the tire maker for making an inferior tire. Then I can sue the automaker for producing a car with tires not rated for the speed I drove it.

What a deal!

How is this lady a *******?

She was a passanger in a vehicle that flipped. They said in the article that the tire detreaded.......Firestones should NOT dethread.

Being "ejected from the vehicle" says she wasn't wearing her seatbelt.

That makes her a *******.

if she was in the back seat, many states do not require backseat drivers to be wearing seatbelts.......

and she could have still been ejected if she was wearing a seatbelt.......
just because the state does not require you to wear a seatbelt does not mean you shouldn't wear it. Again, that makes her a *******.

I like how it says "an Explorer sold as a Mazda Navajo". I guess this also could go the other way, so an Explorer owner could claim he is driving an Avaitor, sold as an Explorer. A Pontiac Vibe sold as a Toyota Matrix, a Buick Rezendvous sold as a Aztec...
anyone that gets $29million for being a DumbA$$ doesn't belong in the gene pool. Some lawyer convinced 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty that Ford was responsible for this person's negligence.

Welcome to America. This is why we see those stupid warnings on every product you purchase:

"Caution: The contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish." -- On a bottle of shampoo for dogs.

"For external use only!" -- On a curling iron.

"Do not use in shower." -- On a hair dryer.

"Do not use while sleeping." -- On a hair dryer.

"Do not use while sleeping or unconscious." -- On a hand-held massaging device.

"Do not place this product into any electronic equipment." -- On the case of a chocolate CD in a gift basket.

"Not intended for highway use." -- On a 13-inch wheel on a wheelbarrow

"Do not use orally." -- On a toilet bowl cleaning brush.

Sure you have to be a retard to need these warnings in the first place but that used to be the way we got rid of them. Now they are breeding and getting rich being stupid. The only people getting rich in this country are the damn lawyers.
"The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?" - Frank Zappa
Why 29 million? Punitive? I think its lotto night and the lawyers are the big winners. The problem with Firestone tires and their recall has been very very well been announced to the public AND anyone with a vehicle with that OEM tire.

Question #1 Why did the owner continue to use the tire after the danger of the tire was made known. Tire recalls started in 1999. The accident occured in 2002.

Question #2 Everyone else remained in the vehicle and received no injuries according to the report. Presumeably Ford made a safe vehile that could protect the occupants in the event of an accident. The woman was ejected from the vehicle presumably because she was not wearing a seat belt. Why is failure to observe safety rules the responsibility of Ford? I'm sure, although I have not read a 2002 owners manual, that the use of seat belts is highly recommended as a safety issue.

Question #3 Aren't people responsible for their own decisions? If not, I agree with JeffC, the gene pool needs thinning.
We don't have all of the facts of the case, so making assumptions about her liability for her own injuries is pretty pointless, isn't it? As a passenger, she obviously isn't responsible for any driver's error, but beyond that the article doesn't go into any details as to the specifics of the case.

She also isn't responsible for maintenance of the vehicle, unless she is the owner. The article didn't state she wasn't wearing a seat belt. The seat belt may have malfunctioned or may have been in non-working order, so that she couldn't put it on.

It has been a long time since I saw a post where someone said another DESERVED to die. Our dear friend from Alaska bought an F-150 and barely posts now. I don't think anyone deserves to die or get paralyzed. Last I knew, there was only one perfect being ever born. No one deserves for something bad to happen just because they made a mistake.
So then the person that was a passenger should actually sue the owner of the vehicle since the responsibility of maintenance is on the vehicle owner.

Nelson, which Alaskan member are you talking about? Is the person the rarely posts alright? I know of two. Jerry and Screw'iffic. Are they both alright? Did I miss something that happened? Please explain.
