Ford plant bans competitors' cars from lot

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The article does state that only 15% of the plant's employees have a permit to park in that lot, and if they don't drive a Ford vehicle they can park in a lot across the street (where, presumably, the other 85% of their employees park).

Granted, I wouldn't want someone dictating what kind of car I can drive.
My response to that requirement would be, 'so you gonna provide me with a Ford product to drive?'

I guess they do provide some leeway since you could drive a Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, Mazda, Volvo, Jaguar, or Land Rover to work.

Although they never passed such a requirement at the GM plant here, many workers who drove 'foreign' makes found nasty notes or other acts of vandalism done to their vehicles while at work.
I pity the fool that let's me catch them vandalizing any brand vehicle of mine.

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My father-in-law worked for Ford for 32 years and always owned Dodges. Personally I thought it was a bit strange that he never owned a Ford. Two of his other brothers (who also work for Ford), only own Fords, and my husband and I always used his A-plan. I'd think you would want to support the company you work for if you could, right? I know my father-in-law retired making $35 bucks/hour and his house paid for so I'm sure he could of afforded to drive what ever he wanted.

Why he choice Dodges is beyond me. -Heather:)
Hey, we get A-Plan here at Hertz, but you see no more Fords in our parking lot that you would at any other business in the vicinity. Go figure :)
My neighbor works for GM. His kids and wife drive cavaliers and the like but he ALWAYS has driven Ford trucks. When I drive past the Delphi Packard plant ( makes electrical something or others for GM...there about bankrupt now...)they get a discount on GM's but there's always this lone Sport Trac in the parking lot parked far from all the other vehicles.
Yes, this is discrimination, but it isn't illegal.

Jerry Sullivan, president of United Auto Workers Local 600, which represents about 2,600 workers at the plant, applauded Webber's move.

"Everybody's in this together. (We need) to buy the products we make and support the company," Sullivan said. "This is a good place to start."

I agree. It's not like they are saying you have to buy a Ford to work there, just have to have a Ford product to park closer.

I totally agree with the policy, If you can't support the company that you work for then shame on you. If you don't like the product your building then I don't want you building my ST or any other truck. I sure there thousands of people who love their Fords and would love to have one of those high paying jobs at Ford. But can't because of some Chevy loving Ford employee.
I agree too crump.....why not give a little bonus to those who come on board ? Nothing wrong with owning a "Crapalanch", just park it across the street please!
I completely agree. i wish they would have done it sooner.

Imagine Rich Lunder building the Lever Lift kits, but not using one himself. How about Chris Wells building the sub box's and not having one in his truck? I could go on, but why bother?

I hope those that are going to be layed off are driving something other then a Ford. It would serve them right. If you build it and don't drive it, why should I? What does that tell the general public?

Years back, our family doctor drove nothing but Isuzu's. One day we seen a domestic model in his parking spot. We asked him why he now ownes a Dodge and not an Isuzu?

What was his response? A patient, a Chrysler employuee asked him "How many patients do you have that work for Isuzu"? He took the hint. If the area the doctor practiced in had a Toyota plant there, I would not have a problem with him driving a Toyota. He is supporting the local community. Our area has the big three with plants in the area. Support those at home. Support the company you work for. You are protecting your job.

Why should I buy a Ford if the employees don't? They already give the employees a substantial discount.

I'm even more surprised the UAW is supporting this after reading this second article. So now the UAW would rather see vehicles built in Sweden (Volvo) and Japan (Mazda) than they would American-made vehicles, such as Dodges and Chevys, which are built by UAW workers.

These guys need to get a clue. Dodge and Chevy are not running Ford out of business. It is exactly this sort of stupid decision on Ford's part which is causing them to lose their market share. :wacko:
I completely agree with that decision. You build Ford, you buy Ford. It doesn't matter if you buy something else made by Ford, you still work for Ford.

When Ford wins, the UAW wins. I see nothing wrong with that situation.

I love the union bashing attitude. No matter how anything sways, they see it in a different light.

I'm not bashing the Union. I'm bashing STUPID bureaucrats.

It makes no sense at all that the UAW would prefer Ford employess drive vehicles built by non-union workers in other countries, even if the company is partly owned by Ford.

Also, Ford is being stupid by supporting one of their local manager's decision that offends not only their own workers, but the general population of the US. The last time I looked, this wasn't Nazi Germany. People don't have to buy Volkswagen beatles, just because that is the car "der Fuhrer" designed and built for us.

What would you do if your company came down and decided that you were only allowed to come to work wearing clothes made in America? Wouldn't you be offended by the fact that your company is now dictating how you will spend YOUR money? Look at the tags on your clothes. I bet most of them are made in China.

There are a lot of companies having finacial difficulties in the US. Those companies haven't resorted to draconian methods to increase their sales. Why would a fine company like Ford be reduced to something so low? Henry Ford is probably spinning in his grave.
Loyalty should be earned...not enforced.

This kind of action only serves to further divide and embitter the remaining Ford workforce. It also leaves customers wondering how good a product Ford can make under such conditions.

Unless that plant manager is Bill Ford's wife's sister's son-in-law, I predict he gets included in the first wave of cuts.

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