Ford plant bans competitors' cars from lot

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How does that have anything to do with those that CHOOSE not to support the company they work for to park in a different lot then those that CHOOSE to support thier employer?

Or are you streaching to find some type of flaw to make me feel like I am wrong?

Again, you never answered my original question.

Would you wan't to place your life in the hands of someone that pledges alligience to N. Korea. When if that person was next to you in a war against N. Korea. The guy is an American Citizan. Would you feel he would be fighting for your safety as much as he would fight for the country he pledges alligience to?

Those that build Fords, but do not drive them, tell everyone that they would rather not suppor the company they work for because it is junk, but you better buy one to keep me working.

Using a different insurance company then the one you work for is not seen from an outsider. Nor is the computer you own. Everyone driving by the Ford plant, or GM/Toyota/Honda/Nissan/etc., knows who the plant is and can also identify what cars are, or aren't, in the lot.

Tom, your question regarding a US military member pledging alligiance to another country shows how little you know about the subject. Any military member here can tell you that anyone that shows loyalty to another Government, uses of illicit drugs, or lives a homosexual lifestyle are incompatible with military service in the US Armed Forces. Therefore, I don't have to deal with the scenario you described. If I encountered someone acting out any of these, I am obligated to apprehend them and hold them until law enforcement arrests them and takes them into custody.
That is my exact point. You woud ban that person from a job...right?

Ford is catching hell because they are giving those people that own Ford vehicles to park in a special lot. Others here beleve those that choose to buy something else should have the same rights. They are not baned from employment, they just have to park somewhere else.

Ford isn't alone in this. I think I remember a news story about an Anheiser Bush delivery person fired from his job because he stopped at a bar on his way home from work, and in his delivery uniform jacket ordered a Sam Adams (or somesuch).

The point here is the visibile aspect to the consumption of a competitors product/service when representing your current employer. I talked about IBMers buying non-IBM pcs...that was for HOME USE, and thus not really visible...besides, it's hard to tell an IBMer from anyone else on a plane, etc.

Would you let a McDonald's employee bring in takeout from Wendy's during their lunch break?

In the Ford employee parking lot you can assume everyone parked there is an employee, and representing the company because it is the employee parking lot. It does send a bad message to have a competitors product showcased in this manner.

And the Ford case is not unlike the Anheiser Bush delivery man that bought the competitors beer or the McDonald's employee that brings in a Wendy's lunch to each on their break. It's the same thing. You want the job...DON'T DO THAT!

And, the way around all these:

- The beer delivery man can leave his uniform jacket in the car before having that beer

- The McDonald's employee can eat the Wendy's meal in their car

- The Ford employee driving the non-Ford vehicle can park in a less-visible lot

The answer isn't that Ford employees should buy Ford. The solution is that the Ford employee that DOESN'T buy Ford should be less visible in their competitor patronage; and most definitely NOT visibile in that patronage (or visible as defined by Ford Motor Co.) while on company time.

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I think it is funny you choose not to see anything different then it is from your point of view. I am simply trying to say what TJR said. If you build something, but choose not to buy that product, what vested intrest do you have in the product you are building?

Much the same if you could care less about the country you are serving and choose to serve another. If you care more about another country and choose to support that country and jeopardize your country, why do I want you on my team. Join the other team.

The Chrysler plants in Fenton, MO also have special parking lots (way across a field) for foriegn cars.

However, guests are allowed to park their foriegn cars in the guest lot after registering with the security guy.
Wow...Caymen and I agreeing on something. Keep up the fight, Tom. Ford is within their rights and not doing anything excessive, and if people can't see how, well I guess we may never sway them.
I don't understand why MSNBC is even carrying this article--it's nothing new. I used to work at a GM plant. There were four parking lots on the facility. The one closest to the plant and the one immediately adjacent to the admin/engineering building were for GM products only. The one beyond that was for other domestic makes. And the one beyond that, out behind the plant's septic holding ponds, was for import vehicles. This was back in the late '80s, but from what I heard, it had been that way since the plant had opened in the early '70s. And it had been something pushed for by the UAW in their initial contract talks.

While I worked there (in the engineering building), I had mechanical problems with my car, and had to get a rental while mine was being repaired. My insurance company would partially cover rentals from the one company they did business with--which happened to only carry Ford products. So for that week, I got to park in the mid-distance lot, probably 1/4 mile away, rather than in the lot right next to the building where I worked.

I now work in the medical industry. Doughboy, to your question--my company makes some products related to pacemakers. No, not everyone who works here has a pacemaker. But everyone I've ever talked to WHO HAS HAD A NEED FOR A PACEMAKER has requested that the doctor use our products.
I wonder where folks who drive Ford or GM cars made in Mexico or Korea get to park?

Then also, I wonder where folks who drive imports like Nissans or Hondas made in the United States get to park?

This is so confusing for me...

And America-built means all cars built in US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, etc.
I guess it depends what the grill says. If it says Ford, Mercury, Mazda, Lincoln, Volvo, Aston Martin, Jaguar, or Land Rover I am willing to bet Ford gives it the thumbs up because, regardless where it is built, it is built by Ford.

Last time I checked, Honda was not built by Ford. Not sure about Toyota. I am thinking GM is not part of Ford. I know it is confusing and difficult to understand. Hopefully someone will be kind enough to clear it up.:rolleyes:

As petty as it seems, I have to agree with it. It brings attention to the point that if this country doesn't look around and see that supporting AMERICAN business is a necessary part of keeping our strength, then be aware that the standard of living all of you "rights" people have is going down the tubes..........along with those "rights" you say you had.

>> Gee, I only have to eat at McDonalds and drive a Ford to defend our rights?? I think I just got cheated out of 18 years of my life.

You are twisting my McDonald's analogy, and I don't like it. ;)
I thank all of those that serve in our military. tough life.....many sacrifices.

but we all need to consider what makes this country different from the rest of the world. capitalism is a good thing. we can argue about union vs non-union until we're blue....but being in a position to have such a choice is a wonderful thing....much less having the rights to argue your point.

we all need to sacrifice at times.

God bless America
