Front pads at 27k? when did you do yours?

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Brake pad wear is like gas mileage. People get different mileages, Some good, and some not so good. Brake pads are the same way. Some vehicles don't fit peoples driving styles and the don't get good mileage or good brake wear.

I typically get about 45K-50K miles to a set of brake pads. My 2001 Sport Trac got new pads at 37K miles but not because they were worn out. I picked up a rock or piece of road debris that ripped through on of the pads. Thinking my brakes were worn out, I boght new pads and changed them anyway even though I had a good 1/4"+ of pads left. That would have easily gotten me to to 50K miles.

I had a friend who bought a new Mazda 626 and only got 18K miles on the front brake pads. He replaced the pads twice and only got 18K miles per set. He then took his car to another shop and those pads lasted 36K miles. The OEM pads from Mazda did not match well with his driving style but another brand of pads worked much better.


As you can see from this photo the new pads cover about 25% more surface area then the oem pads. To me that made a huge difference in the way my Trac performed. But like Richard said, my driving habits may differ and maybe I'm a little harder on the brakes then some people. Plus I drive in a lot of stop and go traffic.

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at about 10-12k I got new pads and the rotors were replaced by the dealer under warranty.

At approx 30k, I replaced them with carbon metallic. I now have 70k and lots of pad left.

Like Caymen said, my rotors were fine at 30k and I have no issues.
wow...didn't log on this weekend...thanks for the responses. As I mentioned before, I think I will pick up a set of metalic pads like Caymen (Tom) and some of the others.

someone asked about hills and downshifting, there are some hills but nothing too large and I am sure my wife doesn't downshift the truck. I asked her to pay more attention to her habits and see if she is braking late or hitting them a little too hard.

Have a great day everyone!!
