Front wheel bearings

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Matthew Runals

Active Member
Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
Smithfield, VA
So the maintenance guy is telling me I need to re packed the bearings but they need to be installed by pressure or something. I thought the front wheel bearings of a 2 wd wear simply a inner and outer bearings with a seal in the back, not need to pressure tight them or whatever. Actually I have never heard anything to do with pressure in regards to the wheel bearings.
He might have meant torqueing them. On 2wd, if you have a torque wrench. While spnning the rotor. You tq to 25ftlbs. Back the nut of 1/2 turn qnd retorque to 12inlbs.

That is an average for most 2wd. I will have to get my manual to give you the exact.
He may have been referring to a pressure grease packer, one of those devices that pushes grease through the bearing to make sure all of it is re-greased properly. It works well to make sure there is all new grease in the bearing, but a little work by hand can do the same thing. Just get the bearing as clean as possible with a rag, then put a blob of grease in the palm of your hand. Press the bearing into the grease until you see grease squeeze out between the rollers, then turn the bearing slightly to get the next couple of rollers, and on around until you get all of them. But don't just wipe grease over the outside of the bearing and consider it greased!
As dreman said, I think he is talking about a special wheel bearing greaser that forces grease into the bearings under pressure. Many shops use these "Pressure packers" as they do a good job, but mostly because they are much faster (time is money).

Most home mechanics pack wheel bearings by hand since it is not rocket science, but it takes a little time and it is a messy job.

The other possibility is that the mechanic thinks that your Sport Trac is a 4x4 which uses sealed wheel bearings that are pressed into the steering knuckle. These cannot be greased or serviced, only replaced.

I havent packed bearings by hand in years. I have device that I put the bearing in. Then I use my grease gun to pack the bearing. Qiuk, easy, thorule and not as messy.

I wear nitrile gloves to handle them and grease the race in the hub.

Maybe he was talking about pressing the old races in and out of the hub. At home I tap them in and out with a brass punch. A race and a seal tool is one tool I dont have..LOL
You can buy a bearing packer from most auto parts stores for small money.

Here is a cheap brand which does ok for home users.


This one is a notch better as it is self contained and the mess stays within the unit. I have this one myself.


I have the top one. The bottom one wasnt around when I bought mine.

If I was a first time buyer I would go for the bottom one.

Harbor Freight sell both in their stores.

Either one is nice to have though.
I am certain they are talking about pressing the race into the rotor. You can rent a tool from Autozone that lets you do this. You have to get the old one out first though. Some people heat them to get them out but since I don't have a torch I used a chisel to knock them out. The tool is simple. You place the race in the rotor, the tool in the race, then pound it in with a dead blow hammer or mallet. Just make sure you seat it all the way in. You will know if it isn't in all the way when you install the rotor because the cotter key won't fit right. Make sure you torque the spindle nut while spinning the rotor to seat the bearings then back it off half a turn and re-torque it.
Gary, that is a nice tool. But Im old school..LOL

I use a steel punch to knock them out from the back side. A block of wood to start the race. Then I use a blunt nose brass punch to install the race. With a regular 2 lb ball peen. Walking the punch around, I can feel when the race is set. Even if the brass punch slips, it causes no damage.

I helped a friend one time. he had the tool. He couldnt believe I finished my hub, before he did..LOL

This is the first time I looked at your library.

Thanks for your service...:supercool:
That brass punch works like a charm I bet. I am self taught on all my automechanicing so a lot of times I just go to the auto parts place and ask what tools I should use for whatever job. I used to be a Crew Chief for the Air Force and we would get in trouble like nobody's business if we used the wrong tool and I guess it just carried over for me.

And Eddie I think I should be thanking you for yours! :fire:
Thanks Gary.

Wasnt a popular war in my time. But I enlisted for 3yrs. Spent 22 months of that in 'Nam..second tour 2 months short. Mac-Sog was shuting down their OPs' in '72.

They left skeleton crews that was CIA controled to erase Sog's existance. Which was dumb, the pentagon papers about us, had been released to the world....LOL