fuel filler

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Aug 9, 2007
Reaction score
Waunakee, WI
Can somebody explain to me why I want to walk to the passanger side of a vehicle every time I put gas in it? Is there a logical explanation for moving the fuel side from driver to passanger side. Was it so the OL will pump the gas? Was it that we are too fat and Ford thinks we need the exersize? was it because that cant think past their pay checks? I mean good God what gives?
I would make sense to me to have it on the passenger side to offset the weight of the driver.

edit: by that I mean the tank would, not just the filler neck.:rolleyes:
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I wish the Gen 1 were on the passenger side. Then I would not have the ghetto lean when I fill up.:D
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There are a few places where I fill up that are one-way direction, and the hoses don't reach all the way to the other side. So while others have to go to the right of the pump, I can usually drive right up to the left and pi$$ off the others. I like it on the right . . .
Is this a newer model Trac? Mine (02) is on the driver's side. Why would they change that?
I was going to say the same thing as Lyonpride. While I live in PA, I work in NJ, and gas is much cheaper (and full service vs self service) in NJ. Almost all the stations in the area I get gas have "one direction" pumps, and there's almost always a line (sometimes a pretty long one) for the driver side fill pumps. There's hardly ever a line for the passenger side fill pumps, though - you can always just pull in and get filled.

So, yes, I'd 4 sure like my trac to have a passenger-side fill. I'd be willing to trade u my 03 drivers side fill for your passenger one if it bothers u too much - it'd b much better 4 us both @ the pump ;)

If you do a search you can find out more, but here is the short version. When Ford redesigned the Explorer they said they had to put it on the wrong side, I mean the passenger side. Now that the 07 and 08 ST are actually based on the Explorer, the fill is on the same side. And no Ford told use at the 06 meet that it would stay that way. I guess the people that design don't fill up their own gas tanks.
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Am I the only one that doesn't care which side it's on?

It could be on the roof for all I care.
I like to be able to refuel like a jet. Just pull up behind a tanker while going down the road, line up with the filler line and refuel.

No seriously I dont really care I guess the balance issue kind of makes sense. Now that I think about my first comment I bet in the future you will be able to fill up somehow without even getting out of your vehicle, doesn't seem like that difficult of a technological advance.
"I like to be able to refuel like a jet. Just pull up behind a tanker while going down the road, line up with the filler line and refuel."


Firedog, if you have some spare time while building the prototype for this will you also add me a mechanical arm with a yellow glove on the hand. Place it on the front bumper, make it have the ability to extend and flap back and forth with the flip of a switch that should be installed on my dash.

Then when the inevitable happens and somebody does something stupid in front of me I could hit the switch and the hand will lurch forward and begin smacking the back of their vehicle. Thereby substituting my urge to actually do this with my real hand to the back of their head. OOh, OOh. Don't forget speakers and sound so my hand can talk to them.

Alright, drifting off topic. Sorry
Stupid to have it on the right side. Causes unsafe driving to pull to the left side of fuel pumps while everyone else drives on the right side. Not one of Ford's Better Ideas nor a Bold Move.

My first car had the fuel filler behind the rear license plate, right between the dual exhausts.
We asked the Ford engineers I think in Dallas at the press release of the '07, but for sure the questioin was asked in Louisville in '06. There answer was as stated above - balance. Personally I feel that they could have engineered it so that the fuel filler was on the drivers side.
Could be looked as a safety issue.....say you ran out of gas out on some freeway or highway. You pull off to the side of the road...so you don't have to stand refueling your truck on the traffic side and maybe getting clipped by someone...you would be alot safer on the other side of your truck from the traffic.

For me, I don't care which side it's on either....just have been used to all my other cars having it on the driver side.
Dingo - remember when the gas filler-upper-thingie was under the license plate in the back? THAT would solve everything.

Ahhhh... the good old days!

Edit: Opps - didn't read Gavin's post first.

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I've been driving for 31 years and have NEVER run out of gas. What's so hard-- when you get low, stop and fill it up!
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