Dishonesty and deception have surrounded the oil industry for several years. Large oil companies purchased many of their smaller competitors, just to shut their refineries down.
Then they claim a shortage. Then they raise prices because of it.
As far as political connections, I not going to go there. But most of my neighbors work in the oil industry, its huge here. I live about 1 hour away from one of the largest shale deposits in the world. And oil wells are all over the place......along the road, in fields, on mountain sides, in kidding... Talk to anybody who works on a rig, drill, drives truck, or runs an entire operation......they sit and watch the news on what is being reported as "oil shortages" in complete disbelief. Any one of them will tell you that they could more than double thier well output, but they stay along "company guidance" and keep output at currant paces. An acquaintance of mine works at a refinery. He is not capacity restrained. But they kick out the number of barrels per day that the "company wants".
And what the "compnay wants" is to put out less gasoline, and make more money on it.
Makes perfect sense really, but you and I are on the "getting screwed" end of the stick.