GAS price started to rise again

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Gary L

Active Member
May 12, 2003
Reaction score
Monday i bought Gas at my local gas station and i paid 2.85. ...i went to fill up my wifes Truck today... and its gone up to 2.95 :angry: iguess due to Rita. It is so sad that the oil CO Can use a national disaster to make profit and it total OK
The Texas gulf coast has lots of oil rigs and refinerys. If Rita hits as planned you will really see gas price jump next week. Better fill up now.

Link as posted by BC34:
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Dropped pretty good in OKC, but the speculators are driving the price up - again. Of course, the distributors and anyone else that can are taking advantage of the price increase they won't actually see for several months... But that's OK. That isn't gouging.


Ahhh! Love my Elantra and Beretta. Poor ST. :unsure: Have to wait this one out again.
have you noticed the growing price gap between regular and super? used to be about 20cents, now it is over 40 cents locally. Still $3.24+ here for super-Central New York
Just filled up at $2.36/gal. Price varied as high as $2.59 on the way to Murphy's. I saw a bunch of people lining up, and several RVs parked in the Wally World parking lot. It seems that we had more Texas plates than normal too. It could be an interesting weekend. My fiancee's kids are starting their trip up here from Houston tomorrow, so I will have some new guests to host until she gets back from her business trip on Saturday evening. :cool:
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Gas stations here in Northern NJ are still running around 2.90 for regular, but I still see a few that are over 3.00. I would die for something under 2.50 a gallon at this point. Pushing $60 per fillup is really hurting my wallet!:angry:
I've said it before, I'll say it again:

"A Bushel of Wheat for a Barrel of Oil"; or:

"An Ear of Corn for a Gallon of Gas"!!!

Lewis Co., TN.:

$2.77 / $2.87 / $2.97 on 9/21/05. :blink:

Or, as my daddy used to say, " We have the Soil, They have the Oil!"
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A grocery store that was selling regular unleaded gas for $2.399 at 4PM on Wednesday (9/21) is selling it for $2.599 at 6:30 AM on Thursday (9/22). They didn't get any deliveries overnight.

A Shell station that had it posted at $2.449 at 4PM on 9/21 was raised to (you got it!) $2.599 at 6:30 AM on 9/22.

The other two grades went up accordingly.

Shot up 15-20 cents per gallon and NOTHING has happened yet.


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