Gas strike (PICS UPLOADED!!!)

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Josh Langel

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2002
Reaction score
Ft. Pierce, FL
So, all our gas stations here are packed with people. I mean, it's like the hiurricanes are back here. People in Wal Mart buying up gas cans, gas lines up to a quarter mile long... ITS INSANE.

So, is there a strike happening?


I have also read it was a rumor as well...
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I suspect people are hoarding...what with gas jumping 25¢ a gallon in under two weeks in most parts of the country, you can't blame people for buying up gas cans. The extra gas I buy today might be several dollars in savings a week or two from now.

Saw I guy at a station a couple days ago doing the same thing. He lives 40 min away from the town I work in, he had about 5-6 LARGE cans, said it was 37 cents a gallon cheaper!
I sure hope those folks are properly storing those cans of gasoline. We had a neighbor when I was a kid that stored his gas can next to his water heater in his garage. His home was completely gutted as a result of the fire it caused.
No kidding Nelson... I hope none of those idiots live near me. Is it worth the risk of sitting on a powderkeg in your home just to save a couple of bucks? I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary at our local stations - other than the owners making hourly changes to the prices!
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If I am correct, I hope I am, gas has peaked and will be pulling back. Buying up cans today is in my opinion buying gas at is peak. I hope I am right because it is ridiciously over priced right now. I have been (an am) a Bush supporter but I firmly believe we are be gauged by the Oil Companies and the administration is turning a blind eye.

May the price come down!

Trac N Tennessee
People are just plain stupid. Storing gasoline anywhere near the house is very dangerous. They might save a buck at the most. Guess fire departments had better start getting prepared for a busy season.
I was reading in the Seattle Times not to expect the price of gas to fall with the cooler months ahead. What I find interesting is I still see four gas stations, on each corner, that vary in price from 5-7 cents. And, I even noticed two gas price changes at the same station in one day. Take a look at each of the big oil companies quarterly reports....they are STILL making record profits quarter to quarter.
Thank you Trac N Tennessee for saying that. I think the current administration with its oil industry background is indeed not very sympathetic to the American citizen in relation to skyrocketing fuel costs.
IMO, I think we are being gouged. I think the oil companies are using circumstances, to see how far they can push us. Iam willing to change the amount of gas I use. I believe it leveled off in the '70s, after they saw us change our cars and how much we drove for no real reason, other than nesecity only. JMO...:huh:
yea i thought its suppose to slowly drop down now since the summer is almost over. and i heard on the local radio station morning show (z100) that gas in iraq or iran is like 5 cents a gallon or 35 something like that under 50 cents. thats crazy. i wish it was like that over here. gonna have to buy a moped that claims 150 miles to the gallon lol.
What I don't get is E85 and Natural Gas keep going up like crazy aloong with the Petro.

E85 only has 15% petro and the price of ethanol is subsidized by the state of MN where I live - so why does E85 go up 10-15% a day along with gas? Makes no sense to me other than the Gas stations must be raking in the profit. Everyone says, "Well the gas stations aren't making any money on gas" I don't believe this for minute. If your petro truck fills up your big tank and then the distributors tell you to raise your price right afterwards - they make a big profit on the new price vs. what they just put in the ground. The whole thing is a big screw job to the public and if this isn't price fixing at it's greatest, I don't know what is.

Natural Gas, is not a petro based product and is totally unrelated to Gasoline - so why is that going up at an alarming rate as well? My Natural gas cost to heat my home has gone up over 100% in the last 5 years.

IMO someone is getting some big kickbacks who should be investigating price fixing on fuel sources. . Hmmmm...I wonder who that could be? :(
Here's another point to support my price fixing theory. According to NBC evening news tonight Gas prices are higher just before and on weekends over 95% of the time. This came from one of the internet Gas watch services. :eek:
IMO...we are being pushed and will continue to be pushed until we push back. The oil companies are all about profit like it or not. Remember the hurricane that struck homestead? Vultures were buying Generators in the north and selling them for triple the price in Florida. When the victims had enough ( i.e. started shooting ) it stopped. When the public gets outraged enough to make a stand. It will change ....alittle. The public will be happy to see 1.99 a gal. They will be duped into thinking that 1.99 a gal is good. So don't hold your breath to see 1.30's ever again. We need to start a grass roots movement to fightback...but how? Give up driving? Not possible. Too many obligations,hence the catch 22. Any suggestions? Please?

RaserX calmly gets down off soapbox.

Just think...I'm an optomist
IMO...we are being pushed and will continue to be pushed until we push back. The oil companies are all about profit like it or not. Remember the hurricane that struck homestead? Vultures were buying Generators in the north and selling them for triple the price in Florida. When the victims had enough ( i.e. started shooting ) it stopped. When the public gets outraged enough to make a stand. It will change ....alittle. The public will be happy to see 1.99 a gal. They will be duped into thinking that 1.99 a gal is good. So don't hold your breath to see 1.30's ever again. We need to start a grass roots movement to fightback...but how? Give up driving? Not possible. Too many obligations,hence the catch 22. Any suggestions? Please?

RaserX calmly gets down off soapbox.

Just think...I'm an optomist
RaserX - Great points and you said it twice! Which was worth saying twice. I know I am cutting back on my driving, trips, and consolidating my errands more. :) I also fill up with E85 whenever I can. I know I'm not saving much money but at least I'm making a statement. I'd rather encourage the farmers for producing Ethanol than pay the rich oil companies.
nothing here-I paid over $50 for a tank..but no one is striking in New England. Sucking it up? I don't know-I still need to get around. $50 every 9 days.
9 days? I use a tankful every 5 days. About $300 per month now in fuel. It is now costing me more for transportation than my mortgage payments. :(

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