Global Warming My Butt!

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Please provide the indisputable facts that you claim prove that Global Warming or Climate Change is caused by humans.

I don't think anyone is arguing that Climate Change happens, it's happened in the past numerous times, and is probably happening now.

The argument is whether Global Warming, or Climate Change is caused by humans...That is only a theory of some scientist which has never been proven. In reality, more scientist disagree with the Al Gore theory of human generated CO2 causing Global Warming. Most scientist agree that elevated CO2 levels in our atmosphere are caused by the warming of the oceans, which contribute more than 70% of the CO2 in our atmosphere. The warmer the oceans, the more CO2 is released into the atmosphere.

So the proven facts are that CO2 is not the cause of Global Warming, but just the opposite: Global Warming is creating higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere...and global warming is caused by the warming of the oceans by volcanic activity under the oceans floor. These hot spots create El Nino ocean currents (warmer water at the bottom rising to the top of the oceans) which dramatically effect our weather. Those are proven and verifiable facts that have been known for years.

The BBC made a video shortly after Al Gore released his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" that interviewed many scientist who were interviewed and filmed as part of the movie, but because they disagreed with the Anthropological Global Warming Theory, their opinions and viewpoints never made it into the movie... Al Gore's movie is just a political lie that ignores anyone that disagree with his objectives of making Global Warming a politically correct assumption, and that other countries would join in on his quest to blame humans for Climate Change. That would give justification for the governments of the world to assume total control of the world's Energy resources...and that is still the goal of the Global Warming nuts.

Liberals and Tree-huggers have always relied on lies and the Doom-and-Gloom scenarios to try to make their points. Some have even admitted that they lied or made up lies to either stop projects or at least caused expensive research and changes to those project based on crap that they just made up to create delays or make it too expensive.

So show me the proven facts you claim to be true...and I will gladly shoot holes in all of them with scientific proof that they are lies or that they cannot be proven as true or false.

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Sure, it might be warming, but that is what it does... Warms for a while, cools for a while, natural cycles. To think man can change the climate is nothing by silly talk by very arrogant people. Man can hardly change anything. God is in control.

Catch you during the next Ice Age...:banana:

That is only a theory of some scientist which has never been proven.

Yes, it is a theory--but please remember, in the scientific community, "theory" means something completely different than it does in the common venacular. In the scientific community, "theory" means: "a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena". Synonyms are "principle", "law", and "doctrine".

One example of a scientific concept which is technically a theory is Einstein's Theory of Relativity. I fully grant that I'm not knowledgable enough on that subject to offer an opinion on it's validity, and I highly suspect no one on this board is. But here's another example--GRAVITY. Yes, scientifically speaking, gravity is a theory. Can we agree that gravity is a sound concept? Because that is the level of confidence that the international scientific community has regarding global warming being caused by greenhouse gases related to human activity.

Let me repeat that--if you hold out your hand with a rock in it, with nothing below or attached to the rock to break its fall, and you drop it, the level of confidence we all have that that rock will fall to the ground, is the same level of confidence that the international scientific community has regarding global warming being caused by greenhouse gases.

Sure--it's possible that the scientists could be wrong about that theory. Just like it's possible that the theory of gravity is wrong, and that rock won't drop.
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Bill V, that has to be a joke, right? I mean, no rational person would genuinely argue that one "law" is true simply because we generally accept another "law" to be true and that if one "law" is good than any other "law" must be as well.

By your argument, it doesn't matter that you can't offer an opinion of the validity of the Theory-the "law"-of Relativity as it is true by virtue of being a law, and since the international scientific community validated one "law" it has validated them all.

Not trying to argue, just tired of uneducated people making stupid comments.

Jerry, I will admit that I didn't initially read your entire post simply because I assumed it was just another liberal rant in response to someone daring to imply that his idol might have somehow been either wrong or trying to influence others for his own gain. You may think I am uneducated and stupid but my profession and income might convince you otherwise. And by the way, neither of which is any of your bleeping business. If you knew you would probably insist that I "share the wealth" with all the freeloaders that vote for your political idols.
In related news, anybody seen the recent Keystone Pipeline environmental impact study?
Hey Richard L Go to this site. It is a United States Government site. NASA Ever heard of it?

Our Government even admits that climate change/global warming is mans creation. Wake up! Quit dragging your knuckles on the ground and embrace science.

Some people (23 percent) will never change their minds. No matter what proof you give them. Its absolutely killing progress in our country. Simply disgusting. Your political outlook absolutely skews any rational thought. Global Warming is caused by humans and every one across the globe knows it to be true. I will never in a thousand lifetimes understand why some (23%) people refuse to open their minds to anything that is not spoon fed to them at church or on conservative/corporate media outlets.

The party of NO is a complete uber-partisan terror group. There is not one bit of difference between the extreme religious right and the radical Muslim jihadists.

America is a land of all faiths quit trying to wage a personal crusade. It will never work here.

If 97% of Scientists agree that GW is man made, that is fact enough for me. Sorry Gavin and Richard L your fairy-tales have 96 percent less proof than what I am throwing at you.

Global Warming is caused by humans and every one across the globe knows it to be true

Before mankind was here we had many ice ages and warmed up enough to come out of the ice ages - therefore there obviously was "global warming".

Yes the rate of warming many be a result of humans, but global warming is not only caused by mankind. And we don't necessarily know for 100% fact this global warming is that much faster than previous ones as we weren't alive for them. I'm sure they all warmed up at different rates, so maybe this is just earth's natural cycle.
In related news, anybody seen the recent Keystone Pipeline environmental impact study?


Since the governors of the states through which it'd travel seem to be on-board, and the Canadians are on board, why don't we just build the pipeline across the border and see if, like any other illegal "immigrant", the feds ever notice it. From the articles I've seen, the ICE agents have no love for obama. :bwahaha:

If anyone needs to do some research on the subject of Climate Change and Global Warming it is you.

You post a link to single biased Government/NASA website that contains nothing but old data and propaganda. The problem with Government controlled agencies data is that is biased by the government that funds them.

Government based media related to Climate Change is dominated by a political-ideological financial consensus that needs man-made Climate Change to be true. If the political administration in power supports the theory that Climate Change is caused by humans, then the government agencies and scientists who depend on government grants will align to support that theory and not attempt to bite the hand that feeds them.

There are vast sums of money given out in research grants for the study of Climate Change which sustain the livelihoods of the scientists involved. Confirmation bias by scientists receiving government grants, and other government controlled agencies are an obvious problem. Any claimed scientific conclusions by NASA or scientists who are funded or financially dependent on the government have serious credibility issues.

I have posted several other websites below, but I doubt that you will even take the time to read them, but perhaps others will.

Most of these sites were stunned by the complete 180 degree change in the NIPCC report on Climate Changed dated September 17, 2013 that states that "Nature is controlling Climate Change, not Mankind". That is a huge departure from previous Team-B/ NIPCC reports back in 2003 that initially got the whole world in a panic by claiming the world scientists consensus was that humans were responsible for Climate Change.

It turns out that many of the scientists who were promoting the Anthropological Climate Change Theory had been pressured by governments to withhold or manipulate the data that did not support Human caused Climate Change...Hmmm??? Who would have thought that our governments or scientists would lie to us??

If you don?t know who the NIPCC is, (and I doubt that you do) they are an independent branch of the United Nations, but not affiliated, controlled or financed by any government or political ideology. They collect the data from all the other scientist and scholars around the world who are doing the research on Climate Change, and report their findings.

The description from their website:

The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is what its name suggests: an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change. Because they are not predisposed to believe climate change is caused by human greenhouse gas emissions, we are able to look at evidence the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ignores. Because we do not work for any governments, we are not biased toward the assumption that greater government activity is necessary.

You also should know that the NIPCC was originally formed by the United Nations in 2003 as "Team B", and later renamed as the NIPCC in 2007. It was their initial evaluation of reports from scientists around the world that indicated that Climate Change was indeed caused by humans. However, later reports found that some of the data was flawed, and many scientists were being coerced into withholding ormanipulating data to conform to political and financial pressures.

The NIPCC report of September 2013 exposed the governmental influence and corruption of the scientific data and with corrected data deemed that the 0.7 C increase in Global Warming is well within the normal variances that occur in nature and that nothing in the data would indicate that Climate Change is caused by Humans.

I said I would shoot holes in any evidence you claimed supporting the theory that Humans cause Global Warming, So unless you can come up with more convincing evidence you need to shut up and crawl back in your hole.

Because you believe everything that the Obama Administration shovels out, you probably will not be able to provide any convincing evidence or believe the NIPCC report, but most of the world opinion on Climate Change has been following the NIPCC reports as the most factual, unbiased opinion on Climate Change and Global Warming.

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KL, I never said that there was any correlation--that if one law is true, the other must be true, or vice versa. That is completely not the case.

What I said was that the level of confidence that the international scientific community has in the two theories are equivalent.
Bill V,

the level of confidence that the international scientific community has in the two theories are equivalent.

Not true! You were comparing scientific confidence in the existence of gravity as the same as the confidence in Global Warming. That is so wrong! I doubt that you will find any scientist that will claim that gravity is a hoax or non-existent, but you will find plenty who have doubts about the scientific evidence or lack of evidence that Climate Change is caused by Humans.

Read my last post and you will see the evidence that much of the early data was manipulated or hidden to support the Anthropological Climate Change theory.

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Here's an idea. Why don't all you liberals each hire ten illegal aliens, give each a wheelbarrow, a sack of Quickcrete and two gallons of water, send them to the top of Mt St Helens and have them dump all that concrete into the volcano. That would be a real human attempt to affect Climate Change. :rofl:

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