Global Warming

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Nice pic.

By the way: Have you noticed that with the slow hurricane season, the media deluge of Global Warming stuff has tailed off?

I guess the global warmists don't feel their message resonates unless their is a Cat 3 hurricane bearing down on us, so we can be reminded how hurricane seasons will just get worse and worse...

They can't even predict hurricane seasons, but they think they can tell us what the temperature will be in a 100 years.

Uhmm, yeah. :rolleyes:
Personally, I feel global warming is nothing but a natural environmental cycle. It is natural.

Was nice here !!.. I looked at the country's temps yesterday, Here was warm compared to most... We came near 70 yesterday !!!

Todd Z
Caymen you're exactly right. Back in the 20s, they thought the world was headed for another ice age.
I like how whenever it gets cold it's the beginning of a new ice age, and whever it's hot it's global warming.:rolleyes:
Personally, I feel global warming is nothing but a natural environmental cycle. It is natural.

See Cay - We can agree!!

Amazing coincidence... what like 4 hurricanes this year that hit the carribean, nearly record early snowfall in Chicago, record snowfall in Buffalo.

Yep, look at how man has done such bad things to the environment. Cna you imagine what would have happened if we took scientists seriously in the 70's when they wanted to spread soot all over the Arctic to warm the planet? And we're supposed to take them seriously now? HAHAHHAHHAAHHAAHAHAHHAAHA!!

Yes, I actually agree with 100%.

Back in 1946 the worlds scientist were all clammering that we were entering another Ice Age because the temperatures were getting colder and colder. They claimed the cause was the excessive CO2 in the atmosphere which were at the highest levels ever recorded.

Now , 60 years later the scientist are blaming the theoretical "Global Warming" issue on the excesse of CO2 gas in our atmosphere, and throw in a little Ozone for extra measure :rolleyes:

It was not so long ago that all our weather and storms were caused by a large El Nino in the Pacific ocean.

I hear one scientist say that the eruption of Mt Tilitubo (sp?) in the Phillipines released more greenhouse gases than were ever generated in the history of mankind. It is those events that trigger dramatic climate changes.

The other factor is that the earth spins on about a 26-degree slant on it's axis and this axis actually wobbles very slowly. It is estimated that the wobble will cause an Ice Age every 25K-40K years. This wobble also contribute to some slight variances in the earths orbit around the Sun, and even solar flares all contribute to changes in our weather. These kinds of unexpected and dramatic changes cannot be predicted by today's scientist. They are only speculating.

I think some one finally caught that gian El Nino, they sold it to Burger King and they have been selling it in their Whaller sandwich for the past couple years.
Considering how many people travel to warmer climates for vacations, I would think that most would welcome a bit of global warming. I'd be all for warmer winters in the midwest. Summers are already hot, so what's another degree or two? Since I don't have land that would be affected by rising sea levels, I really don't care about that. Besides, mankind will adapt just as he has in the past.
Caymen you are right,it is a natural cycle but humans are making it worse and it is happening to fast to be a natural cycle---It is caused mostly by greenhouse gases.If global warming continues as fast and bad as now,coastal areas will be flooded and it will eventually to another ice age becuase it will shut down the flow that brings warm air all over the Earth.

If we dont take action,it will be our children(well maybe us too) who will pay the price.Most animals will become extinct,there will be almost no icebergs,.................whew!

We need to take action now!!!:(
Oh no! The sky is falling the sky is falling! Who ever said that the earth is always supposed to be like it has been for the past few centuries. In times past it was much warmer and also much cooler in what are natural cycles having nothing to do with mankind. As was mentioned above, we can;t even accurately predict weather more than a few days in advance and now some scientists would have us believe that they can predict 50 to 100 years in advance? Mankind has lived through ice ages and humans live in very warm climates. So what's the problem? Things change. Keep in mind too, that it's all just a theory now, the use of statistics to predict the future. It's not a sure thing by any means.
Correct me if I'm wrong... but didn't just get done with a massive sun spot/Solor flare cycle as well? Jeeze, that has nothing to do with changing weather patterns at all. If sun spots can knock out communications satillites, it's got it have some effect on weather, right?

Dateline Chicago:

On monday, former Presidential Candidate and Vice President AlGore blamed the recent cold snap on the reduction of solor storms. "The loss of the solor storms are payment for George Bush's refusal to sign Kyoto!!" Gore screamed. "Now the world will freeze overnight. The poor and homeless will be hit the hardest as the rich of this country will burn the homes of the poor to keep warm and keep the evil corporations running! He's betrayed this country! He's played on our fears!"

When asked why he has claimed that a global freeze is immenant, switching from his Global Warming retoric of the past few years, the former Vice President stated "I have always believed that a global freeze was comming. I have never stated that global warming was comming. We should be spreading soot all over the Arctic to warm the planet."

So Let it be Written, So Let it be Done!
Bill ,i think you are right.It is just that i believe we (humans) are causing this cycle to go faster;)
George, you've been sold a bill of goods. Ask for a refund.

Don't believe the "scientific consensus" lie that Al Gore and others are using to convince the public that this is fact. It is anything but fact, and there is not a scientific consensus. At this point, I've read the works of dozens of climatologists, geologists, physicists and meteorologists on this subject, and it's clear that politics is driving the public debate, not science. The most common scientific opinion I come across when researching this topic is that the social cost of the solutions being proposed by politicians is wildly out of whack based on the lack of scientific understanding of the problem, if there is one.

Human induced global warming is a hypothesis. The more you dive deeply into the data, the more you find that there is signficant reason to doubt the veracity of the claims being made.

I highly recommend the videos at the link below for a very grounded perspective.
Tom the great scientist has spoken his expert opinion. This thread is now closed.


I am so glad you finally realized it.

Have a wonderful day and may god bless you.


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