George, you've been sold a bill of goods. Ask for a refund.
Don't believe the "scientific consensus" lie that Al Gore and others are using to convince the public that this is fact. It is anything but fact, and there is not a scientific consensus. At this point, I've read the works of dozens of climatologists, geologists, physicists and meteorologists on this subject, and it's clear that politics is driving the public debate, not science. The most common scientific opinion I come across when researching this topic is that the social cost of the solutions being proposed by politicians is wildly out of whack based on the lack of scientific understanding of the problem, if there is one.
Human induced global warming is a hypothesis. The more you dive deeply into the data, the more you find that there is signficant reason to doubt the veracity of the claims being made.
I highly recommend the videos at the link below for a very grounded perspective.