Got Rear-ended - Updated

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Andy Chase

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Coon Rapids, MN
Wife took my F-150 to work yesterday morning. Sun was low and bright. She was making a right-hand turn a block away from our house and she happened to notice an older lady behind her driving pretty fast with her head down. My wife tried to speed up to either lessen the hit or get out of the lady's way. The older lady plowed into the rear driver's side area, pushed the tailgate up and it won't hit either striker bolt now hence the bungees. Police and Paramedics came (My wife hit her head on the steering wheel she thinks - she was belted - paramedics cleared her although her neck and arm hurt a little). Older lady told the policeman she wasn't paying attention because the sun was so bright and wasn't looking at the road. Although I'm pissed we've got to deal with damage, at least it appears to be just body damage, no noticeable drivetrain issues and it wasn't the front end. The other lady was in a Buick and my trailer hitch apparently went right through her radiator and her front end was really smashed up.


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She does, but the cop took all the info from her and my wife and said that she'd have to call in to get the information when he writes his report up. Hopefully we can get it figured out ASAP.
I got rear-ended in a snow squall earlier this winter. The Waag rear bumper guard took all of the 20 mph hit. The other guy's insurance company paid for a new rear bumper guard, add-on lights, and installation. My insurance company put it down on my record as a "no liability incident without disbursement."

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Older lady told the policeman she wasn't paying attention because the sun was so bright and wasn't looking at the road.

Good grief! I hope Grandma loses her license. Obviously she does not belong behind the wheel if she does not look where she is driving...

Glad your wife wasn't hurt too bad. Keep an eye on the sore neck and back.

Sorry, but with all the inattentive drivers out there, I have little patience for these doofusses. Since I have been riding my motorcycle, I see stuff I never saw before. People yapping on their cell phones, waving their hands driving alone. People reading their cell phones, sending text messages, etc. People reading books or news papers, etc.

Most cops just write up an accident report and don't make judgements on who was at fault unless they witness the accident. They usually allow you to pick up the police report a few days later, but some departments will charge you for a copy of the accident report.

Years ago, I was involved in an accident where the other vehicle was in the left turn lane (with no signal) and then tried to turn right into a gas station?? She moved into my lane as I was proceeding straight. She squeezed me as far to the right as I could go onto the right shoulder of the road and struck my vehicle on the rear quarter panel (2 door) just behind the drivers door, even after I blew my horn to let her know I was there? She had expired proof of insurance at the time, and also told the officer that everyone in her vehicle was wearing a seat belt, but she told me that her small son in the back seat fell onto the floor of the vehicle (obviously not belted in, and probably should have been in a child seat).

The police did not ticket anyone even though they are supposed to ticket for not having valid proof of insurance, but stated on the accident report that I was passing improperly?? I contacted my insurance company and they said the lady had already tried to file a claim? I told them not to pay the claim and went to the police chief to complain since it appeared that the office knew the lady! After I got the accident report and the proper insurance information I filed a claim against her insurance and they sent me a check within 10 days. My insurance never paid her claim since her short skid marks clearly showed she was turning right from the left turn lane. That was the end and I never heard from her again. That was about 25 years ago.


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Rich, She got a copy of the officers report this afternoon. She has to send in her report of what happened. I'll see what it specifically says when I get home. That lady that hit you was a nut job! I had a teenage girl that was stopped accelerate backwards into my drivers side door while I was in a vehicle. Due to being on ice and snow, I couldn't move out of the way. She got out swearing at me and saying I'd pay for the damages to her car blah blah blah. She said she never saw me and asked where the hell I came out of. I just laughed, I was in a red escort under a street light and there was snow everwhere, I stuck out like sore thumb. She never looked. Her insurance Company mailed me out a check within 2 days of them calling me.
Well finally got a hold of her insurance co. PITA, I am supposed to only talk to a single claim handler that only works 8:30-5:30. Had to make calls while at work even though I'm not supposed to make personal calls. They approved that they'd pay for a rental vehicle big enough for me and the 4 kids. Shop is currently 2 weeks back logged with work though:cry::cry:

I was able to look at the truck last night and noticed that she hit the truck pretty hard; the topper had shifted a couple inches and dented the cab (dime-sized so not major) on the drivers side and there is a gap on the passenger side where you can see into the bed. She was in a car and hit the bumper and went underneath. Hoping no frame damage and that it's just the box.

The insurance adjust was able to look at my truck last Thursday. He noted that he saw some frame damage, but didn't know if it was repairable or if it needed replacement. Less the frame damage, he had figured about $5900 in damage. If the frame needs to be replaced, it'll put the damage over the 80% of the actual cash value of the truck which would make it totaled by law ($10,000). We had to wait until today for ABRA to get the truck on the frame rack. They called and said the damage is repairable so they are going to attempt to repair the frame today. I was a nervous wreck once he told me the truck may be totaled. I didn't expect that when we got rear-ended. I did not want to have to go used truck shopping so soon. I'll be able to sleep a little better tonight at least