Government Run Health Care

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TrainTrac responded to my comment about inflation and recession being mutually exclusive with:
Sure you can. It's been happening for the last year or so. The economy has been in a recession, and the Fed's been printing more Monopoly (oops, I mean fiat) money and dumping it into the economy, causing the value of the dollar to drop.

Touche'. I guess I should have said:

"we shouldn't see inflation and recession at the same time!"

Still, though the value of the dollar is dropping, I'm also seeing prices drop almost across the board. I wish they were dropping more, though. Also, certain food staples aren't dropping at all.

Caymen commented to KL:

Are you a closet racist? Your comment makes me wonder. If that Park Ranger were black, the odds would be higher that he would also be collecting welfare?

Seriously? That is really disterbing that one, you feel that way, and two, you actually say it around members that could be black, and finally third, you see nothing wrong with your comment.

Caymen, consider this. Consider for a second that statistics might show (not saying that they do, just saying that they might) that there is a higher percentage of blacks, per-capita, on welfare than whites. Again, let's assume the statistics showed that for a second.

Given that assumption, would KL's comment be racist, or simply observant? I say it would simply be observant of the statistics to point out that picking a white person from a random sample would have that person less likely to be on welfare than a randomly picked black person.

Again, it's all would be based on that statistical assumption. Note above, I said per-capita. I'm pretty sure that stats do show that blacks on welfare, per-capita (as a percentange of all blacks in the U.S.) is higher than the corresponding percentage for whites. However, to be fair, there are more total whites on welfare than blacks due in large part to the fact that there are many more whites in this country than blacks.

The stats that I saw which are dated showed about 39% of the welfare recipients are white; 37% black...but as we know, whites outnumber blacks in this country something like 5 to 1.

BRAVO!!! take action people if you are bothered by what's taking place in/"transforming" our country. Another good move is to hand write letters. It's easy to get the senator's and/or congressmen's address from the .gov website. I actually got a fairly personal response from my congressmen. No whinning unless your writing!!

God Bless America!! (remember that phrase?)
Anybody hear about Barry O's interview with Charlie Gibson on the Always Barack Channel? He actually had the guts to ask him if the First Family would be going on the Universal Health Plan if it passes. Guess what. Obama clammed up and ignored the question. If it's not good enough for the president, why should it be good enough for me?