Gun Laws

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The boys at Coumbine broke more than 50 local, state and federal laws.... worked real well. The boys here in Jonesboro did the same before Columbine happened.

All laws do is restrict the law abiders. The criminals have already broken the law, what's a few dozen more? When you break 50 laws, and survive, the "gun crime" thing is pretty irelevant when you're talking about several dead people.... what's really the point? It's not a deterant.

You see 10,000+ handgun deaths... but how many people died in a car crash that same year? There were more than 17,000 traffice deaths alone where Alcohol was involved. In 2002 there were more than 42,000 traffic deaths in the US. So, that would mean that you are more than 4x likly to die in a car crash than at the end of a handgun.

I own 7 rifles and (1) parts kit. I can guarentee you that no firearm in my possession has been involved in a murder, killing or injury of a human being while in use. I have dropped the steel-plated butt of a rifle on my toe... but that's a different story. Since most of my firearms (5 of the 7 and the parts kit) are former military rifles, I cannot say for sure they were never used to injure/kill another human being. However, lloking at the history of them as I know it, only (2) may have been used in war:

M59/66 Yugoslavian SKS (Purchased as Unissued)

Swiss K31 (When was the last time the Swiss were at war??)

Hungarian M44 (Never issued in it's current configuration)

M1 Garand (lent to the Greeks after their civil war. Original barrel with TE and MW <1, virtually unissued)

Turkish 38 Mauser (Possibly used in war...)

Romanian Ak-47 Parts Kit (The "G" rifles were never fitted with firing pin and were Guard rifles.... This is not a "G" kit persay, so it's possible that it may have been issued)

Hi-Point .40S&W (Handgun, bought used and was holstered most of it's life... but it's not a police or military autoloader)

Ted Williams 20GA Pump Shotgun (My dad bought new, has been in possession of my dad, uncle and now me).

I could use the tried and true line about Ted Kennedy's car killing more people than my guns, but that's another story.
Gun laws vary by state. Some states have reciporical agreements with others, some don't. For example, my PA concealed carry permit is recognized by Florida (but not Ohio, which is right next to me :wacko:).

In Montreal, if someone was nearby with a legally carried gun and capped the shooter, then less people would be killed. Here we have school shootings partly because it is illegal to carry a firearm in or near a school, and the shooters know that they can kill a few people before the cops get there.

Dittos with the tourist shootings in FL a few years ago. Criminals know that a tourist in a rental car is unlikely to be carrying a weapon because of the difficulty of checking a gun at the airport.

Thing with gun laws, IMO laws are tougher and guns are less available in Europe but they always have been. In the U.S. that horse left the barn 200 years ago and you're not going to put it back in.

More info on the link.
Last I heard, murder was already illegal. I still don't understand how a law regarding weapons fixes anything. Evidently some are nieve enough to think that making gun ownership illegal will stop the criminals. Simply amazing... (Hint: the criminals don't give a rat's a$$ about "laws")
Last I heard, murder was already illegal. I still don't understand how a law regarding weapons fixes anything.

Guns are used for other crimes also. Don't get me wrong, I have an arsenal of my own at home. I'm not against gun ownership, just stiffer laws against using them in crimes and the ******** that are negligence and don't keep them locked up and away from kids. If your not a RESPONSIBLE gun owner then you should not have one.
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I'm all for hammering people for negligence and improper use. It's just the ownership thing makes no sense to me.
Give every citizen over age of 21 a handgun and also instruction on proper use, handling, and maintenance.

Crime problems will be greatly reduced.
Every American? Unfortunately quite a few Americans lack the intelligence to properly use a weapon so at least keep them from people with low IQ's or that watch reality tv.
Guns are used for other crimes also

Bingo.... CRIMES.... what does it matter if a crime was commited with a gun, baseball bat or a stick of chewing gum? A crime was committed, period, amen. It's the same thing with "hate crime" laws. Let's give the criminal another 6 months because we think he did it because the victim was "different".... sorry, but if you assult someone or murder them, what does it matter? Someone has been hurt/killed by someone else.

Grrrr..... these retarded politicians make ZERO sense most of the time....
R Shek, it sounds like you are against stiffer penalities for say "armed robbery" than simple "robbery" that correct?

If so, I don't understand why anyone would feel that way and would like to understand more.

I "tend" to agree with you on "hate crimes"...since most crimes attributed to hate crimes (beating, vandalism, etc) tend to have malice involved anyway.

Haven't heard of to many "drive-by baseball bat" incidents and when was the last time someone held up a convenience store with a baseball bat or stick of gum? No, there's a big difference in committing a crime with a gun versus a stick. Yes, I agree we need stiffer penalties for all criminals but it's just to easy to commit a crime with a gun and we need to make criminals think twice about using one. And if we had stiff penalties for carrying handguns without a permit then maybe we could stop some crimes before they happened. Right now it's just a slap on the wrist for having an unregistered gun in your possession.
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it's just to easy to commit a crime with a gun and we need to make criminals think twice about using one.

Agreed 100%

In order for somebody to do a crime they typically need two things. (1) A motive and (2) The means. Owning a gun gives you the means; Even if you never intend to use it.

Increasing the punishment for using guns in a crime might not do much to reduce the motive, but hopefully it will encourage the criminal (or more likely the soon-to-be-a-criminal) to keep the means at home.

If someone is going ot commit a crime.... they are probably not too concerned with weither or not they may get some extra time if caught if they use a gun. Most believe they won't get caught. Some do it to get caught.

I believe that burglary is burglary and needs to be treated harshly. Most home burglaries happen when no one is home, so armed or not, is there a difference? As far as store roberies.... when was the last time someone commited robbery that was not "armed" or atleast appeared to be? Why should there be a difference for that? You want to reduce roberies (armed or not) of convience stores, banks, etc. - ARM THE EMPLOYEES AND MAKE IT THAT THEY CANNOT BE PROSECUTED AT ALL FOR ACTING!

An armed society is a polite society.

Just yesterday in the county I live in, a home invasion took place.

Unbeknowing to the three burglars, there was one person sleeping upstairs who awoke after hearing the noise.

The burglars confronted the homeowner, two burglars were able to flee, one burglar met his maker.

Something else that needs to happen....

If you break into a place that you don't belong, you do not have ANY RIGHT to sue the owner because you cut your hand on a knife in his house (and thereby getting millions in damages). It's happened way too many times. The crooks win either way in that case.
Yet another good reason to dispatch them. I think someone said earlier in this thread, or another one, "dead men can't sue you."

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