half staff flag

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Brett Hartwig

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
freeport, IL
anybody know if the flag should be placed at half staff for the Virginia Tech shootings? Heard something briefly this morning on the news but cannot find anything official to back it up.

I am not sure . .it would qualify, in my opinion, as a national tragedy . .thus requring the honor of the half staff flag . .
Officially, I don't think they have gotten that far yet.

Personally, I would see no disrespect in doing so. It is your way to allow others to know you care....
When you compare yesterday to the occasions when the flag has been half-staff nationwide in the past, I don't think this qualifies, and I don't think it will happen. The occasions when it automatically happens nationwide are primarily related to the deaths of national elected officials or Supreme Court justices. Other occasions, based on presidential proclamations, have included tragedies (such as 9/11, and for Hurricane Katrina victims), but they generally have been for situations that more directly affect a significant portion of the nation, or at least multiple states. This, like Columbine and Red Lake (neither of which, to my knowledge, resulted in half-mast flags nationwide), is too concentrated on one small region to merit that happening. See the following link...

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the governors of Virginia and maybe West Virginia declare that flags in their states be at half-staff--but technically, such proclamations are illegal. Per the U.S. flag code, governors can only declare that "In the event of the death of a present or former official of the government of any State, territory, or possession of the United States..." But I know, for example, that in my state of Minnesota, the governor orders flags to half staff any time a resident of the state dies in service to the country or state (military, police, etc.) Wholly illegal, but obviously no one is going to make the political mistake of challenging it.
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Just off the top of my head, no, the flag should NOT be at half staff at official government buildings. While a great tragedy, those killed were "only" "random" people, not someone in a honorary position.

Now, if you've got a flag at your home or place of business, you can have it at half staff if you wish.

Just be sure to follow the proper raising and lowering procedures...remember, the flag must first be raised to the top, then lowered to half, and then raised full and lowered full to take it down.
yep, just saw the presidential proclamation posted on the White House website. PUt them at half staff until sunday at sunset. thanks everybody
The governor of Missouri ordered the flags to be flown at half staff.

I thought I read somewhere that the flag should be flown at half staff only under very specific situations, like national elected officials, supreme court justices, etc. Maybe one of our more flag-knowlegable military members can chime in or tell us where to look for it.

On the web at:


Gov. Blunt Orders Flags Flown at Half-staff for Virginia Tech Victims

JEFFERSON CITY- Gov. Matt Blunt today ordered that all flags at state

facilities will be flown at half-staff for the Virginia Tech victims and

their loved ones. Blunt issued the following statement:

"Melanie and I extend our thoughts and prayers to all those who lost a loved

one in this senseless tragedy and to everyone at Virginia Tech. I ask

Missourians to join me in praying for those who lost a family member or

friend in this terrible act."
My knowledge is that the governor of a state can order flags to half staff as well as the President. Typically it is for a death of a big wig politician, president, pope, etc. There are designated holidays also that it should be lowered. The white house has a website that lists presidential proclamations declaring half staff status. That is where I usually look if I wonder if a certain event warrants lowering. I DO KNOW, all of these people who lower their flag for the death of a fellow employee, because the janitor is sick, their dog died, etc. are wrong. You can't just lower it any day you want, technically.
FLYING THE FLAG AT HALF-STAFF: The pertinent section of the Flag Code says, "by order of the President, the flag shall be flown at half-staff upon the death of principal figures of the United States Government and the Governor of a State, territory, or possesion, as a mark of respect to their memory. In the event of the death of other officials or foreign dignitaries, the flag is to be displayed at half-staff according to Presidential orders, or in accordance with recognized customs or practices not inconsistent with law.

In the event of the death a present or former official of the government of any State, territory, or possession of the United States, the Governor of that state, territory, or possession may proclaim that the National flag shall be flown at half-staff." The code also includes other related details including the specific length of time during which the flag should be displayed at half-staff, in the event of the death of a "principal figure"(e.g., 30 days for the death of a sitting or former President, 10 days for the death of a sitting Vice-President,etc.).
Yes--the governor of any state can order flags to half staff within that state--but ONLY in certain situations, specifically, "In the event of the death of a present or former official of the government of any State, territory, or possession of the United States..." Therefore, the actions of Missouri Governor Blunt and of any other governor that may make such a declaration are technically illegal. But as I said previously, it would obviously be political suicide to try to oppose such a declaration. Although around here, frankly, the flags are at half-mast so frequently because of the governor's constant half-mast proclamations that it seems a waste of money to even purchase the top half of the flagpole...

And seeing that the flags weren't at half mast nationwide after the school killings on the Red Lake Indian Reservation a couple years ago, doing so now does seem unusual--and I'm sure there are some out there who would even try to play the race card on it. (White victims = half-mast, Indian victims = no flag honors) So let the petty bickering and politicizing during the mourning period begin... (As has already happened, even on this board, with people on both sides of the gun control topic, all while the bodies are still warm...)