Thank you all again!! This whole thing has been amazing already, and it's only been a few days. This is going to be a whirlwind year that will be undoubtedly filled with fun, excitement and a whole lotta love!! We're not really sure what we want to do for a wedding yet, nor a date. A ST wedding sounds good to me, but I think we're going to stick with a beach wedding or something equally unique, and outdoors. We'll see. There's going to be plenty of time and lots of decisions. I would like to have a small wedding since just his and my family alone are about 100 people already. I almost just want to keep it to me, him (obviously), his immediate family and my immediate family. That way we don't upset anyone. Then, maybe when we get back from our honeymoon we can have a big party and invite everyone. Again though, this will all come in due time. But if we do the party route and any of you are in the area and want to be invited, just let me know and we can make it a mini-meet!! LOL and I'll even let you bring your Nissan Chuck....I might even bake you cookies! :lol::lol::lol:
Thank you all again so much for sharing this with me. It really does feel good to have a family like this. :wub: