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Brett Hartwig

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
freeport, IL
Anybody had a problem with their 05 cranking a little too long before it starts? First thing in the morning, alot of times it will not start right away. Seems like it has to crank for 5 or 6 seconds before it finally takes off. Even then, unless you rev it up right away, it does this sort of "dieseling" type of idle. If you stop cranking, then try again right away it will start right up. Kind of embarrassing when I am leaving the fire station parking lot and everybody is jumping in their 1985 Dodge Cargo Van and taking off right away and I am sitting in a brand new Adrenalin cranking away. Any suggestions?
When starting it up, try switching the key to run for about 5 seconds before starting. See if that has any effect.

It sounds like your fuel pump is leaking pressure. This was a very common problem with the early 2001 Sport Tracs.

If you follow Caymens instruction above and the engine starts and runs fine, take it to your dealer to get the fuel pump replaced since it will continue to get worse and eventually will not start.

Check your fuel pressure with the key in the on position. It should stay the same PSI for a while then slowly bleed down after turning the key to off. But its normally either fuel, or fire related, but if its an 05' and under warranty take it to Ford.
I'm going with fuel pump.

However, try this to eliminate the IAC.

Press the gas pedal down just a tiny bit. It if it starts easy, clean or replace the IAC.

If hard, then I'm betting fuel pump.

TO test the pump. You can normally cycle the key on and off like 20 times. Then crank it over to the start position. If it starts right up. It will be the fuel pump or a plugged filter.
