Has anyone been keeping up with Ford's stock?

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Aaron Yarbough

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Plano, TX
I bought some Ford stock since it had gotten so low and it has been rebounding very well. Once I found out that Ford was not requesting any bailout money and seemed to be weathering the storm on their own I took the plunge and bought some stock. Needless to say my profits are increasing weekly for the most part. Check it out, Ford's stock symbol is "F".
I can't look. I thought about buying some when it sank a few months ago, and now wish I'd pulled the trigger.

It will probably continue to rise, but the chance for drastic gains aren't as alluring as if I'd grabbed it at under $2 back in Feb.

Piro, when it (not "if") eventually gets back up to $12 or so which I think it will, that would be a +%30 gain which would be significant. Personally I don't think it's too late to get in on what I think will be a good gain over the next yr or so. Ford is outperforming the other 2 American automakers by leaps and bounds and when the results from the 'Cash for Clunkers' program rolls in the stock will go up even more compared to their American competitors. Just my $.02
The only stock I own right now was a company bonus paid in stock, gained $6 on day, $1.25 the next, loses $16, gains $6, gains $2, loses $16.

I'm screwed.
I don't know what stock you're referring to R1ch, maybe not screwed, but rather in for the long haul.

Man, the 90's & early 2K's really got us stockholders spoiled didn't they???
When ford was around $ 1.90, I suggested to the wife, darlin, you hold all the richs, pls use your etrade acct and buy ford stock, I said maybe 5 K worth, she did:banana::banana::banana:

Get to your online acct today I asked her and see what your financial guru did with that ford purchase:banana:

She said I checked it not an hr ago, Ain't I great duddette:wub: we made some real Money here:p

My stock market record is very poor:( she only bought 100 shares:angry:

Back to the garage, open beer.shake head:wacko:
Coffee???...multi $B Auto manufacturer??? Go figure

At least you weren't so down that you shook your beer and opened you head bill!!!
I picked up 5,000 shares at $2.90 and I think I will pull out the profits when it hits $10.00 to pay off my 2010 STA Torch Red loaded out ride. It listed for 44,000 but I got into the trac for 37,000 plus tax. The only thing I didn't like was the remote start has to be dealer installed even though it was order with it. It's called a dealership installed accessories but shows on the invoice window sticker.
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Yeah, I've been keeping up with it too. I saw Ford hit $8 today. Wish I was able to afford to buy shares back when it was -$2. Good for Ford though.
My wife said to me January..."why don't you buy GM stock before the bailout gets approved" So I did (happy wife, happy life:wacko: ) I also bought 200,000 shares of Ford stock when it was $1.84 back in February.

It has more than offset the 50,000 shares of GM (sorry Motors Liquidation Company) I bought at $3.01:angry:
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I also bought 200,000 shares of Ford stock when it was $1.84 back in February.


So with Ford stock @ ~8 bucks, that's $6.16 made per share of Ford stock, which is a fair chunk of change. Very nice.

Someday I'll get that kind of principle to buy in en masse. ;)
