Help!! Changed parts and not fixed!!

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Ava Francis

Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
Nashua, NH
Hi All,

My 2001 4.0 sport trac with 77,000 miles has been stalling and "running lean". I took it to my mechanic and they put it on the infamous hand held commuter and told me I needed 2 O2 sensors. I had all 3 changed, all spark plugs, all wires and still stalling and "running lean"(as per the computer). I just called Ford and they told me that no matter what part I changed, they would have to start from scratch!!!!! OMG, Ive spent $500 so far on parts and labor. I've been on the internet and this seems to be a common problem with these trucks. The Ford guy also told me that sometimes the computer goes, depending on milage, and that's around $1200! Any advise? It starts out fine when cold and then 2-3 miles later, it hesitates, stalls at lights and stop signs; bucks at around 45 mph and 65 mph. Who can I trust? I know there's a gentleman on this site that seems to know quite a lot about everything. Any input would be appreciated. I bought this truck new.

PS I am a female:(
Did they happen to give you the codes they read from your trac? There are common failures . . . the codes will help pinpoint the failure. If you could get the code and post it here , someone can help you.

If you have never changed the fuel filter I would start there.

The other common one is the cracked elbow . . .

Again, these are only guesses with out the code.
Are you saying the elbow was changed prior to this problem?

Hey guys,. wasn't there a problem on some of the '01s with a leaky intake manifold, or is my memory still giving me problems?
What side is your oil fill cap? Drivers or passenger side?

This is important information. Please let us know ASAP.



Why did you not take it back to the mecahnic that made the first diagnosis of bad O2 sensors??

I suspect that he talked you into a tune-up, which guarntees to fix nothing. He should reimburse you for the cost of the things he replaced that did not resolve the problem.

If I have a problem with stalling (or any problem) and I take it to a mechanic. I don't authorized them to do anything but fix the problem. If he says I need this part or that, I tell him fine just as long as it fixes the problem. If it does not fix the problem, I will not pay for him to charge me for parts when he does not know if that will resolve the problem.

A well equiped shop will have the necessary tools and test instruments to verify exactly which part is failing. If he does not have the equipment, then he is only guessing at your expense.

Now for your problem...The O2 sensors may have been bad?? but that is not the cause of your stalling. I would be willing to guess that you have a dirty or malfunctioning IAC (Idle Air Control) valve. I suspect with over 70K miles, you need to clean the throttlebody and the intake system. There are products designed specifically to do that. Sea Foam is one that many have used here that works well.


I figured as much as you are around here, you would have gleaned some information.

I am sure if you did a little research, you would know the answer.

I'm no mechanic by any means, but I think what Tom is wanting to know is if it's a gen 1 or 2 truck. Just my guess :)

me neither, i just sit at a desk all day and order vehicles for my fleet.

she does mention that it is an 01 ( gen 01 )

i am curious
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I have a 2001 4 wheel drive sport trac and I bought it new. I don't know what "gen" means. I have been on the internet seeing the same problem and it stumps everyone.
Yeah....that's what I meant job 1 or job 2.....whatever that means :)
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What Caymen is refering to is that there were two models made in 2001. A "job1" and a "job2". If the oil fill is on the driver's side, it is a "job1", if it's on the passenger side it's a "job2". The "cracked elbow" problem isn't possible on a "job1" 2001 ST.;)

This info is in the FAQ section.;)
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