Help!! Changed parts and not fixed!!

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Ava, by no means does "PS I am a female" mean that you should just get ripped off by some butthead mechanic. I say "ripped off", because as Richard L eluded to, you got screwed by a mechanic that "saw you coming". Happens alot. Did he replace some of the common fixes for your problem? Yes. The problem is, is he didn't try to diagnose the problem. He saw you as a "female" and charged you alot of money for stuff that he even knew probably wouldn't fix it, since he was just guessing. That's proven since he gave you back the vehicle without actually fixing the problem. I also agree with Richard that you need to start with cleaning the IAC, MAF and Throttle body. Also try the SeaFoam treatment. All of these are in the projects section here and very easy to accomplish, even if you never held a wrench in your hand. If you take it somewhere, they will charge quite a bit for those project, and if you do it yourself, it will cost no more than $10-$20. You being a "female" will have nothing to do with it.:D;)
Might be helpfull to have the codes said mech drew on his scanner, do not be timid, get them and post them before any work is done.

your mech just thru a bunch of crap on hoping it may work

02 sensors are usually good for 125 K.

Is your car and your money, you need to be proactive.
I have a '01 Job 1 with 180,000+ miles with no O2 (or any other) sensors changed. I have cleaned the IAC twice, the last time recently but it didn't really need cleaning (but you don't really know this until it's off, so you go ahead and clean it).

I agree - don't pay for on-the-job training - if the work doesn't fix the problem, don't pay!
DPFE sensor- no, won't make it buck or jerk. Iac -no, won't make it buck or jerk at speed. Vacum leak-no will only cause an idle or slow speed issue. Fuel filter-possible but I highly doubt it becasue it is ok when it is cold. Sounds to me like you either need to clean your mass airflow sensor, or if it is really messed up you may need a new one. Did you pay for the work with a credit card by chance, if so see if the cc company will stop payment.
If anyone has a picture of a Job 1 Trac, please post it.

For those that do not know, and those that just hang out here bashing anything Ford, the early 2001 Sport Trac's, known as Job 1 models, had issues with intake gaskets failing.

Symptoms include, but are not limited to...

Rough idle

Lean condition

Drivability issues

Loss of power

Engine stutter


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FWIW all 4.0(with plastic composite plenums) have an issue with the intake gaskets failing, to be specific it is usually the plenum gasket/o-rings that fail. But with any vacum leak they rear there ugly heads usually when at 1500 rpm or lower. A vacum leak will cause all the symptons described above but unless you have a MAJOR & I MEAN MAJOR vacum leak it is usually of no concern at cruise rpms.
DPFE sensor- no, won't make it buck or jerk

I had this problem a few years ago. I was still under warranty so I took it in with a copy of the TSB, the part was replaced, and the bucking stopped.

DPFE = Differential Pressure Feedback EGR, which monitors the upstream and downstream pressures to calculate the EGR flow rate. Why wouldn't this cause a vehicle to buck if it was malfunctioning?
A dpfe sensor only monitors the pressure in the egr pipe, it has no control over air/fuel delivery or control over timing and it only monitors what the egr is doing it doesn't tell the egr what to do. Heck you could take the dang thing off and with the exception of the check engine light probably not notice any difference in driving.
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Not that I disagree with you on what you say about the DPFE sensor, BUT Ford is aware of some issues of stalling, bucking, etc. with a bad DPFE sensor.

I was on the Focus board yesterday and that's an ongoing conversation:

Bad DPFE sensor (which happens very often) causing bad performance.

Are you refering to the very early model Fords, late 90's I believe, these dpfes sensors had metal housings and would cause, I may be wrong here, but issues with the o2 sensors going wacky or something like that, I'd have to through my tech papers for the exact problem but I do know that the dpfe sensors on these models were the casue of weird driveability issues. Since then Ford has done away with the metal sensors and gone with all plastic ones. I think that the plastic ones fail more but don't have the screwy driveability issues that the metal ones did.
There are a multitude of things to cause engine miss and/or just crappy running, but missing and/or crappy running not likely the cause of your bucking & jerking. I had a F150 that was doing the very same thing. The engine was missing badly and the thing would just about jerk your head off from 15mph to 85mph. Fuel filter, 02 sensor, plugs & wires, egr valve etc., finally got the engine to running smoothly, but the buck & jerk was as bad as ever. Finally dawned on me, that the problem could possibly be the transmission torque converter, and that turned out to be the case. Converter was kicking in/out; in/out; in/out!!

Replaced the converter & problem solved; all systems now 100%; good to go!!!
Are you refering to the very early model Fords, late 90's I believe, these dpfes sensors had metal housings and would cause, I may be wrong here...

Read the TSB on the DPFE sesor on the Sport Trac's. It lists poor performance as one of the issues of a bad DPFE sensor.

I have read the tsb that you are talking about before but honestly I don't recall not one bad dpfe that I have diagnosed that casued any driveability issue...I swear I have replaced at least 200 of these things if not more, I just am not convinced that the dpfe sensor casues driveability issues unless under extremely extraordinary conditions where there are other variables contributing to the casue. I am by no means no engineer and am sure that the people who write these tsb's are alot smarter than I but I have been repairing these probably for longer than some of the members here have been alive so I do have a clue of what I am talking about. Just because they print it doesn't make it gospel. If you want to hop in the chat room sometime and talk thoery and operation and cause and affect I would be more than glad to shed some light on things.

Back to the original problem, there was talk of lean codes. A bad dpfe sensor will not casue a lean condition...bottom line. Fix what is casuing the lean condition and the other problems will be solved(cause and affect).
What side is your oil fill cap? Drivers or passenger side?

This is important information. Please let us know ASAP.

May I ask the importance of side with oil filler cap?
No offense ment in any way, seriously curious what it pertains to