Help choosing a shotgun

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
Mom is giving my dads 12gauge shotguns to my brother and I.

Both are about 40yrs old. Need some cleaning but in good shape. Dusty from hanging on an open rack for 20yrs. Both in working condition when dad, stoped using them.

I get first choice being the eldest.

One is a Mossberg pump, 12gauge, model#500A, 28"bbl. choke= mod.

The other is a Montgomery Wards pump, 12 gauge, model# ?, 28"bbl, choke=poly. Adjustable choke.

Who makes the wards?

I may never use it. Not knowing much about shotguns. Which one would be the better choice?

Thanks, Eddie
Mossberg is a well known brand, if you could find out who made the Montgomery Ward one, maybe a Mossberg as well, or S&W, Remington, etc., both are probably quality guns due to their age, depending on the condition. You could always take them to a gunsmith for an inspection and evaluation of their values.

I have my dad's 20GA single shot, I'm guessing its @ least 45 years old, wouldn't part with it for any $$ at all.
need a model number to determine who exactly made the gun. I just looked online, some were made by Mossberg, some were made by Noble, and others by Steven's and savage. From what I gather if it looks like the Mossberg, it probably is made by them.

that being said I would probably take the Mossberg
Dont know anything about the Montgomery Ward. But the Mossberg 500 is a very popular model with tons of support as far as parts, and aftermarkets accessories go. its a tried and tested gun that can stand up to just about anything.
Eddie, having owned one, I would take the Mossberg. Both are considered low end in the world of shotguns, but Mossberg is still around for now. Many thousands were made, so parts are not going to be an issue, even though you're not going to use it much. My buddy bought one recently for $150. It's a short barrel version, perfect for home defense. The wood on most of them was plain and not figured and guys would call them meat guns. They are somewhat like cars, they will all get you there, some in style. Get the dust out the barrel and have some fun. Don't oil it too much, as it will run back into the wood when stored upright.

Gary D. in Ct
I currently own a 500A ..... LOVE it....... Take the mossberg...

Todd Z
Never could find the model# on the wards. Serial# only. They look alot alike other than the choke and pump stock is different. The butt stock is the same.

I went with the mossberg. Thanks for your input..
Eddie, does your mom know any of the history behind either gun? (I'm inferring from your original post, perhaps incorrectly, that your father is deceased. If not, can he fill anything in?)

Also, does your brother know anything about shotguns, or have any preference or history? If so, you may want to consider letting him have first choice. If you're asking advice of this board, I suspect that whichever one you ended up with after that would be pretty equally meaningful to you--while for your brother, getting his choice may be more meaningful to him.

Just a thought...
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Bill V,,My dad passed away 2weeks ago. Mom was cleaning out dads things. When my mom said I had first choice, my brother was cool with it. He actualy didnt want one. He has 2 teenagers in his house. I displayed mine. He locked his away.

The history is that my dad used to hunt with one of my uncles about 45yrs ago. Dad was 84 when he passed. Your right either one is meaningful though.

I might do something like shoot skeet with it. I have in the past with freinds shotguns. Never knew much about shotguns. I had a single shot 410 mossberg from my grandfather. It was stolen.

Never was a hunter. Except the VC in 'Nam.

I have a few pistols that I target shoot with. Used to do my own loads. Sold all that equipment years ago. My B-inlaw and I were big into it. We even cast our own bullets. Experamented with various loads.

Thanks for your input..
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Agree with Todd, I also have the 500A, and its an excellent choice.

Although mine is loaded, even unloaded there is a VERY distinctive sound of a pump shotgun being loaded (chambered) in a quiet hallway (Say at 3AM?). I would imagine a thief would know well what that sounds like, and waste no time leaving.
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