Help making a text or word pad file

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
I have a 644 single songs in a folder. they are in .wav format.

Im trying just copy the titles to a text or word pad or word file.

Not having any sucess. I just get copys of the songs in jumbled jiberish.

One of my puter iliteraces...LOL

Thank, eddie
??? Why do you want to put them into a .txt file? They would not play in that format as Notepad would open the file and display the gibberish that you describe.

What are you trying to accomplish?

If you are just trying to create a list of the titles, I don't know of a easy way, other than, for each file, temporarily put it into rename mode and copy the text of the title to the note pad file.

There are also some utilities out there that allow you to create a list of the contents of a folder, but I don't know the names of the utilities off the top of my head.

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The link walks through installing a program that allows you to export your media library as a txt or several other formats.
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Assuming you are at a command prompt, and changed to the drive and directory with all the files, the following command (typed exactly as is and executed) will put in a file called OUTPUT.TXT the list of .WAV file names, listed in a sorted order.

Here is the command:


As I said, the result will be a new file, OUTPUT.TXT that lists each of the .WAV file names, sorted.

Excellent suggestion TJR.

Don't you just love it when we get so involved with our GUI wizbang solutions that we forget about simple old school solutions?

Gotta love good old DOS


Not sure if Eddie wants the file names, or the song titles as stored in the ID3 tags of each song file. If he wants the file names, what I provided will work. That will work great if the file names and the song titles are pretty much the same (a convention I use). If he wants the song titles as stored in the ID3 tags, then he needs a utility like one mentioned above by others. Could probably use the FIND command...just not sure.

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yes, each file, has the name of the song and artist in alphebetical order. The name and the artist is what I want to make a list of. With out the .wav file attached

To get rid of the .wav extension you need to do a little more than just a DIR command.

The following command executed from the command line while in the folder with all the song files will give you want you want:

for /f "tokens=*" %a IN ('dir /b /on *.wav') do @echo %~na >> songlist.txt

The list of songs will be in the songlist.txt file when done.


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