HID FOG HELP... Please...

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user 62851

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
Hello all. I got my HID kit all installed. I go to turn on the headlights. It is all good. I go to turn on my fog lights and I got nothing. But I still have my headlights. Any help would be great to hear... asap. I re-checked all my connections and everything is lined up good and fitting correctly. Any ideas?
the bulbs could be messed up... or the ballast...

i cant recall if there is a seperate fuse for the fogs... ill go check here in a sec.
Thanks for quick reply. I got my kit used from here. From Brandon64, when he had the set in the S&S. I'm going to wait for a reply from you Reaper before, I go back out to fiddle with it. I've emailed Brandon, but I haven't heard back, so I'm trying here.
yea.... the fogs have a seperate fuse...

under the hood, number 31... should be a 15 amp.

going from the front of the truck back,

1 2 3 4 5 __ 21 22 23 23

___________________________ 55 56

__________ 25 26 27 28

__________ 29 30 31 32

GAH!!!! the spacing is just not working right when i post!

best i could do as to showing u where... camera is broken and dont have a scanner....:wacko:

not sure if that will fix it... but its worth a try...

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I'll take a look. Other idea is to see if the ballast is getting power. If it is getting power and the fuse is not broke... Think the truck might be thinking the high beams are on?
it shouldnt think that the high beams are on.... :unsure:

the HID kit shouldnt interfer computer thinking bout highbeams.... aside from the fact that most kits rob you of your highbeams...

hmmm.... let me kno when you have finished checking the ballast and fuse...

OK, I'm back. The fuse is good. I just checked for power going to the Ballast and it has power. I checked the plug to the bulb from the Ballast and there is no power. So it must be the Ballast that has gone bad. Its like that on both sides. So... Since its them, any idea where I can get a replacement of them? I'm about to go back up and cut them out and put my stock bulbs back in.
Did you check and make sure you have a good ground to the ballast? I've often found places I thought would make a good ground actually aren't grounded.
My kit is all plug in. The kit plugs to the factory plugs. Then to the HID bulb.
My Hid lights along with my HID fogs are weird, the high beams are backwards, so when my highs are on my fogs are on, and when my lows are on my fogs turn off, Check your set up with the high beams on. I ended up cutting the tab on the relay so i can have the fogs on all the time.
Hey Brian, I had thought about that, but actually never did it. Guess I won't know til I try to install them again. I didn't think it would a$$ backwards. I will fiddle around with it again tomorrow. Right now, I just have the HID Head lights with OEM fogs.
hmm... sorry for the slow reply...

um... i wonder if it could be the bulb itself....

if your thinking it is just the ballast.... that would be an equally simple fix...

i dont kno if any of our sponsors sell them... but if not... i kno where you can get the replacement parts....

Upon doing it the way Brain suggested. Well. Last night when I got into my truck. When the regular low level lights are turned on. The High beam indicator light is on, but low lit. My factory fog lights are on. When I click into high beam mode, all lights except my corner lamps turn off, and my high beam indicator light goes bright. I am totally off the wall wondering how a$$ backwards my 04 really is.
um.... wow.....

thats not making any sense...

it shouldnt have been backwards in the first place...

i dont see how installing a simple plug and play HID kit would cause all this...

u just plug it in the stock socket, run to the ballast, then to the HID bulb...


i dont have any idea as to whats going on...

go to the link... call them...

its a site for HID and other stuff....

they might be able to help you and if u need any replacements... they can help you out tooo... the site belongs to a buddy of mine

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I'm going to call the company who the HID kit is made by. Hopefully they can give me some insight on whats going, why and hopefully fix it. The company is KelvinHid. Would be nice to figure out why its doing what its doing.


Called the company, got a hold of the technical side. They suggested I should switch out one side of the ballasts to see if it works or not. Its just another step to find out if its the kit or my truck thats having the malfunction. The kit shouldn't be, as it is used, but still very new and was working fine before my truck got a hold of it.
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Haven't done the swap yet. Just so I know and don't mess anything up. I am suppose to unscrew the line that the cable is using right>? To make them interchangeable. I don't wanna do any screwing up.

IE: The line that is coming out of the Ballast and going to the HID bulb.

The high beam indicator light being low lit it normal when installing HID's its basically letting you that you have a bulb out. but since your using HID's it cant see the same power rationg like a normal bulb. On the 07 and newer it tells you to check left or right headlamp. I ordered power waisting resistors on ebay normally used when installing LED brake lights and it fixed the lights on the dash.

Your fogs not working sounds like you have the plugs in backwards. It is easy to do this. Simply unplug the plug comming from your power and ground source flip it over and plug it back in. If it doesnt work then its a current issue. to test for this simply touch the power and ground wires directly to the battery and they should come on. If so then you will need relays. I needed relays on all 4 on my 07. one for each bulb and then i had to diode the relays so that they didnt back feed and chatter. LEt me know if your having issues after you try all the things i have described and ill help you out.

good Luck.
I just cut the relay nub that controls the fog lights and just have the highs on for the lows and vise versa, its kinda a pain in the ass, but oh well. I have also tried to change the position on the wires that connect into the so called plug n play connector and that also didn't make it right.. oh they are bright as heck so it doesn't matter.
Thanks Tony for the heads up. I will try again when the weekend gets here. As for I will have more time to deal with it. I just know with the power tester kit I have, it found power going into the Ballast, but not coming out, which could concur what your saying about flipping it around.

Off the wall question about HID's. Per-say, I have the Ballast for 5000k, but didn't want to use the white color bulb, and wanted to use a yellow color bulb thats meant for the 4300k. Would it still work? I know sounds half a$$ed, but I was only curious as having different colors is kind of nice.