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There are a few sub enclosure gurus out there and I have a question for them...

I have a ported (Cerwin-Vega) sub enclosure. Well, my 16-month-old is constantly pushing small toys into the port opening and it makes a horrible racket. I can't really put it anywhere else nor turn the box around (as it would then expose the wires). I'm tired of removing the sub to clean out the toys once a week. Can I install a screen on the inside of the box, at the port, to keep stuff from being able to fall inside the box without mucking up the sound?
So it's ok to do then without messing up the sound (yes, I know absolutely zero about speaker enclosures). Well, I only need something like a 4" square so I will see if I can find something at Wal-Mart.
If you use the thinnest possible material you can find I don't think you will be able to tell a difference at all.

The link above sells stuff that claims to have zero accustic effect.