Honda Outboards - layup?

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zaffo oxnard

Active Member
Apr 12, 2001
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA
I'm getting a new Honda 90 which still uses cabs. Lots of people said go with a fuel injected 2 or 4 stroke, but i figure that the worst that can happen to this engine is that I'd need 4 carb rebuild kits and 2 fuel pump rebuild kits - $200. One fuel injector for any other boat $200, x4 = $800. One high pressure fuel pump - $300. Needs laptops and programs or service calls - forget it. And a carb gets wet - you hose it off. Water gets into the fuel or past the filter - carbs - big deal you drain it. FI - toast! The Honda uses the air pulse fuel pumps that all PWCs use. Dead simple - dead reliable - an right there out in the open on the side of the block. I love it.

Only wondering about layup - for me no more than 2 months between trip year round. Small carbs like these tend to gum up the low speed jets and then won't idle if left for the fuel to evaporate. However - if I use the fuel stabilizer, will this pretty much take care of things? I can drain the fuel from the carbs - and honds does make it very easy - but has anyone had luck just letting a Honda sit as long as you add the stabilizer when you fill up?

The fresh salmon is going to taste good!



los angeles

AR AR AR - I could always dunk it!
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fuel stabilizer is good for a large amount of fuel. Working on a lot of OB motors, the best thing to do is drain the carbs. Put a little ios heat(isopropyl) in the fuel tanks , that will take care of the water.