Honda Ridgeline, MT TRUCK of the year

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ROFL HE KEEPS COMING BACK. I mean damn, I check the site daily to help or be helped, i'm already here.

Haha…Nobleman… how old are you, 12?!? Good argument! The RL is a piece of crap because you don’t like the looks of it?!? Way to go! You’re mommy should be so proud!

Haha cRLOwner, come on now, I've given plenty of reasons it sucks and why I don't like it, and why it is a piece of crap.

And since you want to bring mothers into this. My mommy is quite proud, I drive her around in a vehicle she's not embarrased to be seen in.
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I'm just curious, you just joined this site and responded to a thread that hadn't been active since 21 December. What led you to this web site?:huh:

You listed numerous automotive media (journalism) awards given to the RL. But to be fair, I don't think you can really compare it to other vehicles that have been out for quite some time like the ST or F150. Wait until the RL has been on the market for awhile and put through every day use and tests by a reputable comparision entity such as J.D. Power.

The ST and F150 have consistently received high ratings from J.D. Power over the years. That is one reason that the F150 has been the best selling truck in America for over 25 years, and at some points during that period was the best selling vehicle, car or truck in America.

I don't really think that comparing the RL to the F150 is fair anyway. They're two totally different trucks, with different abilities, and are aimed at different segments of the market.

Oh, and by the way, I found a little tidbit out on the net about the ST towing…. From –

“Towing/Payload Capacity: Explorer Sport models with a automatic overdrive transmission have a maximum towing capacity of 5040 lb. Sport Tracs can tow up to 5300 lb when properly equipped”

Notice that….”When properly equipped”. That means you have to add something to the basic package in order to get it up to 5300 lbs. of towing capacity. The 5000 towing capacity of the RL comes standard. So the ST standard towing capacity is a whopping 40 lbs. more than the RL standard towing capacity.

That quote is a little out of context. The only difference in towing for the ST is whether or not it's a 4X4 or 4X2. The 4X4 weighs slightly more than the 4X2, so obviously it will not be able to tow as much as the 4X2. (Edit: Caymen beat me to the punch on this one!:))

And adapting options from another automaker, like the storage compartments in the bed of the RL being offered on the upcoming '07 ST is nothing new. It's called staying competitive.

Preston Tucker was one of the first automakers to offer safety features such as seat belts, a safety windshield, padded dash and collapsable steering wheel column in the 1946 Tucker Torpedo and they're standard equipment on every auto on the road now. The Torpedo even featured a revolutionary center-mounted headlight that turned with the steering. That's now showing up on some high-end luxury cars.
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Very interesting point here. The spare mini-tire in the bed storage are might not be that practicle. Would hate to have a flat when the bed is full of mulch, or dirt, or stones, or wood or.............That's why the spare is located under the truck on nearly all other pickup trucks. Now that is a design flaw; unless, the RL was never really intended to be used in that manner. Much like the Escalades; can't imagine anyone putting a yard of wet mulch in the back of their Escalade.
The donut spare also wouldn't do much good if you blew a tire while off-roading.

And correct me if I'm wrong, RLOwner, but doesn't the RL's drivetrain run in front wheel drive mode by default, applying torque to the rear wheels when necessary? Why else would the engine be transversly mounted?
Try this with a Ridgeline.

[Broken External Image]:

Quick, you got a flat tire. Change it!

That is a yard of topsoil. Do the math. A yard of Topsoil weighs about 2300 LBS.

Yep, I keep coming back. I think this is fun. I enjoy punching/counter punching with the likes of Tom, TrainTrac, and Q. Now, Nobleman….he’s just a knob. His only argument is, “Yeah, the RL is a piece of sh!t”. Whatever.

Whoa….got a flurry of replies….I can’t reply to all of them… I will pick a few.

OK, yes, I admit it. The RL does not have a low gear transfer case. So no 4WD low option. I miss understood Tom's comment. But, for most people, whether they buy a RL, ST, 1500, F-150….. most people will never need or use it. Why does the RL need a V-8 when it has more horse power than some of the V-8s out there (See Dodge Dakota)

Cayment – “It is known the Ridgeline sucks off-road. Every magazine that tested it says the same thing.”

I find it funny, you ST forum folks say, when magazines award RL Truck of the Year, they don’t know what they are talking about. But when you need someone to back up your opinion, they are experts. Well, which is it?

Besides, Caymen, have you ever driven an RL off-road? Obviously not, otherwise you wouldn’t be making a comment like that. I have and, I’ll tell you what, it just walked through some pretty nasty mud/slush/muck. I think it’s very capable off-road.

Tom – “ps, I like you you are one to "throw a punch" then run in the corner to hide. Very cute.”

Who’s hiding? I’m right here. I want to quit posting here, but you guys keep pulling me back in. Quit posting crap and I will go away.

Tom - "Prove It"

All you have to do is Google "Ford F-150 Catches Fire" and you'll get a whole boatload of hits. Here's a good one, though. People are talking about their F-150 burning down their trailer!

TranTac – “That quote is a little out of context. The only difference in towing for the ST is whether or not it's a 4X4 or 4X2. The 4X4 weighs slightly more than the 4X2, so obviously it will not be able to tow as much as the 4X2”.

How it is out of context? The RL is a 4x4. Therefore, like you said, it will not be able to tow as much as a 4x2, because it is heavier. You’re ST forum buddies where harping on the fact that the ST can tow 300 lbs. more than the RL. Well, the ST 4x2 can tow 300lbs. more than the RL….. he was comparing a 4x4 against a 4x2. If you compare the ST 4x4 against the RL, their weights are almost identical (140 lb difference) and their towing capacity is almost identical (the ST 4x4 can tow 40 more lbs). Oh, yeah…the ST is “Superior” in towing to the RL…wow!

Q – “Check the pic out. Don't stand on that tailgate, it may just snap off with just one cable holding it! ANd the trunk is there because, well, can you imagine trying to put a cap on that bed? LOL!”

The tailgate is designed to hold over 300 lbs. Maybe your average ST owner can’t stand on it, but for me, it’s no problem. Plus, why stand on the tailgate when you can just swing it outta the way? The tailgate not only opens as a normal tailgate does, it opens like a door, swinging from the left side of the tailgate. Pretty handy, huh? Oh, by the way, the RL bed is over 48 inches wide, so you can lay a 4x8 sheet if drywall flat on the bed bottom. Pretty handy, don’t you think? There are 3 or 4 companies that make caps for the RL. They look pretty nice, too.

Q - I don't care about bed payload, both vehicles are similar, but the guy who's worried about getting dirty changing a tire, I doubt he'd want to get dirty hauling a load in the bed. I also doubt you would because you'd be too afraid of scratching the bed. GIRLY TRUCK!

Call it what you will, if it makes you feel better, Q. Yes, both vehicles are similar. So, if they are so similar, how can you say the RL is a piece of sh!t? I think the reason because you feel threatened.

Yes, I might worry about getting dirty if I was going to a wedding recept
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Have to admit this has been pretty entertaining. Seems we have here a battle between the "stone throwers" and the "Master of cut-and-paste". Yep, Ford is copying features of the RL. Honda copied, in-whole, the notion of the SUT. Manufacturers have been doing that since the first guy came up with the concept of a spear, or wheel, or water-lift, or boat...........So what. Fact is, there is no way to objectively evaluate whether or not the ST or RL is truly better than the other. They are different yet much the same. The RL didn't exist in 01, 02, 03 or 04? so in those years there was no comparison. Honda realized that there was a market for such a vehicle only after viewing the success of those already on the market. They added some improvements just like Ford will do with the 07 ST. Standard practice.

ST owners have problems, RL owners have problems [visit their forum]. All vehicles have problems. I like my ST and when the time comes to replace it, I'll look at what's available at the time and get what I think is most suitable for my needs. By then, that just might be a "middle aged crazy" sport car.
OK, RL, I can understand that fact that you're passionate about your RL and would be extremly defensive of it. But, after going back reading through this entire thread, I can't find any response where you've been even remotely personally insulted. About the only wrong thing I can find is Nobleman's POS comments. Those were wrong in that that kind of language is normally not allowed nor seen on this site.

But, I found several instances where your comments tended to be personally insulting towards other members here.

So, I will repeat myself, for you ST owners who are very slow and cannot even answer a simple question……

Now, did I EVER call the ST a piece of ****, or anything like that?!?!? Go ahead, take a look...... NO I DIDN'T, did I. You and your fellow ST forum folk are the ones trashing the RL, I got tired or reading the spew, and so I decided to take a stand. I was just trying to have a civil, spirited, conversation ...... I guess that is not possible on this forum.

Yep, I keep coming back. I think this is fun. I enjoy punching/counter punching with the likes of Tom, TrainTrac, and Q. Now, Nobleman….he’s just a knob. His only argument is, “Yeah, the RL is a piece of sh!t”. Whatever.

I know most of you folks probably think a clean t-shirt is dressing up, so you don’t worry about getting dirty when you dress up. Besides, in my occupation, I don’t wear coveralls all day long, I don’t wear a uniform, and I don’t have a shirt with my name on it,

That was totally uncalled for. I think you just need to take a deep breath and relax for a minute. Don't take it personally. We love our ST's, you love your RL. On that at least, we can agree, no?;)
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Very good Bill. Well put.

I don't know about the rest of you ST/Ford Fanatics, but I have enjoyed this (Except for the name calling and personal attacks). Like you said, Bill, the ST/RL both have their problems and both have their fans.

Don't get me wrong, I did NOT come here to stir up the hornets nest, I came here to try to correct some misnomers about the RL. That's it....nothing more, nothing less. I think we've all learned something here, don't you?
TrainTrac - "That was totally uncalled for. I think you just need to take a deep breath and relax for a minute. Don't take it personally. We love our ST's, you love your RL. On that at least, we can agree, no?"

Haha....yes I tried to take the high road, but I lost it and took a detour.... I appologize, that was uncalled for. Sorry.

No, we can't agree on that....I love my RL a lot more than you love your ST!!! :D

Kidding....yes, on that point we can totally agree. :)
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I learned that I still like my ST. I still think the RL looks (TO ME) like a 4 door Subaru Brat, and that a clean t-shirt isn't really dressing up. :lol::lol::lol:
RE: the F150 fires. You compare something that did not reer its ugly head until many years after the design of the F-150. Try comparing new vehicle vs. new vehicle. A year or two is pretty much new. When you are comparing the RL to a vehicle that was designed in 1996 (F-150) for the Sport Trac 2000 for the actual vehicle, or 1996 for the Explorer that the ST was based off, you are trying to compare apples to tomato's.

Got pics of your RL with a yard of mulch? Hw much does a yard of mulch weigh?


btw, I am not the one that says "This is my last comment. I am gone" after making insults and derogatory statements. I have been here a few years and I have pissed off many people. Many here have pissed me off too. I have also helped many people and many have helped me. One thing I never did is insult someone and the "took my toys and went home".
After reviewing the Ridgeline forum, it appears that they have more than their share of TSBs. One is a water drainage problem where water builds up and pours out from under the dash on your feet. Appears to be limited to a certain build date range, but the remedy is to drill holes and paint them. It is a new model, so numerous problems are expected, but it sucks to pay, as one member stated, $35,000+ for a vehicle and have these issues.

It also appears that the members don't like a good deal of the "stock" parts, especially the steel wheels. That sounds familiar.

In the end, it is subjective person to person. In a practical sense, I don't like the storage in the bed (of either the RL or the 07 ST), and I have always been a fan of a solid rear axle. I love my ST, but even I admit that I was originally looking for a F-150, that is, until I figured out that it wouldn't fit in my garage.:D
My 7-year-old doesn't argue like this. When will you guys give the, "my truck is better than yours" argument the heave-ho? When will you start behaving like mature adults?

I can only picture what would occur if you were in the same room having this discussion. Would you be throwing punches?


Careful, Q. Not that I'm playing message board police here, but RL did apologize for his personal attacks when called on them.

Call his truck "Girly" all you want, but don't get personal.
Q – “See Dodge Dakota? What a joke! The Dodge Dakota can run circles around the RL in towing capacity and torque”.

Hey Q, go back and look at the post again. Was I talking torque? No, I was talking HP. I was saying that the RL V6 has more HP than a DD V-8.


Well, I’ll tell you what. I will gladly go toe to toe with you off the line. When you’re staring at my tail lights as I pull away, you can say, “Holy crap….. I just got my doors blown off by a Girly Truck”.

TrainTrac – “Careful, Q. Not that I'm playing message board police here, but RL did apologize for his personal attacks when called on them.”

I agree.

Divetac - "My 7-year-old doesn't argue like this. When will you guys give the, "my truck is better than yours" argument the heave-ho? When will you start behaving like mature adults?


Yeah....well, he started it!!! :D

Also, as far as your reference to the F150 electrical problems, Hondas have their share of problems also. See link below

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