How much should passengers contribute to gas funds?

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Tim Turner

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2003
Reaction score
Morgantown, WV
Alittle off topic here, but relates to the whole Sport Trac scenario.

Anyway, I'm driving down to Myrtle Beach in the ST starting on June 3. More than likely I will be taking 2 passengers along the way and both are willing to contribute money for gas (and I'm willing to take it), but I don't expect them to pay for it all. They left it up to me, and they are good friends, so I don't want anyone to feel cheated, including myself. I'd like to get a general idea of what a fair percentage that I should ask for them to pay individually. Your opinion and input is appreciated, whether you think it should be split equally between all or if one party should handle the majority of the cost.

Round trip is about 1100 miles and I can consistently get 320 miles per tank of gas (1100/320 = 3.44). Therefore, I'll fill up roughly 3.5 times with my 20.5 gallon tank (20 x 3.5 = 70). I'll use approximately 70 gallons of gas and with the price of gas about $2.80, then the total cost of gas will be about $195. (70 x 2.8 = 196)
Divide that 3 ways. There are some people that I go on trips with that I make pay the full amount because they've stiffed me in the past, but mostly we go even. That's fair. Even though your truck is the one racking up the miles and wear and tear, I think having everyone pay the same amount is decent.

Have fun on your trip!

-Heather in OC
Personally, if I were going by myself, I would have to brunt the cost alone. Having 2 extra people in your vehicle isn't going to affect to cost much, if any.

You could allow each one to fill your tank once, then you pay the rest. Another though would be to wait until the trip is over, tally everything up and then split the cost between the three of you.

Who's idea was it to go to Myrtle Beach? Was it a jjoint thought between the three of you, or did you plan it and the other guys decided to come along.

I am not petty when it comes to gas money. In no way am I calling you petty, so please don't take it as me calling you that. I just look at it as I am already going, so if I were going alone it would cost me the money and two extra people isn't going to add much extra cost. See what I mean?

Well if they are offering and you are going to fill up three times or so.Have the other two pay for a tank of gas at fill up.If there are any problems just be polite and say you will get it. Ron
I use to be like oh no dont worry about it! Dont need to give me money.. then I started driving a sport trac and gas prices went up to $3.65/gallon. I'm not so nice anymore :p

Wait you said $2.80 for gas? I hate you. :angry:
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I know i read 2.80 and memories of my childhood came back:D

The easiest thing would be you start with a full tank. Have one fill the tank at the next fillup. Have the other do the one after that.

In college taking road trips thats what we use to all do, and it would work out great.
Split it 3 Ways. I had three passengers including me on the way down to Las Vegas. Split the gas four ways I could'nt feel better about doing it that way. You wont regret it after your done.

edit "four ways"
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Who's idea was it to go to Myrtle Beach? Was it a jjoint thought between the three of you, or did you plan it and the other guys decided to come along.

No, it's actually our senior class trip, and there's about 50 people going, but we're all caravaning down in numerous vehicles. If I didn't have to drive, I wouldn't. Unfortunately, if I don't drive, I may not get to go :)

I just look at it as I am already going, so if I were going alone it would cost me the money and two extra people isn't going to add much extra cost. See what I mean?

I absolutely see where you're coming from. However, I look at it from more of a "I'm providing transportation and responsibility for getting you down safely, so can you help out with the travel costs" mentality. Even if I have to take care of the majority, that'd be fine, because it is my vehicle. Nevertheless, like I said, they offered to pitch in, and I think it's a very generous and appropriate gesture.
That, and you're getting them there in style. How many other kids are gonna be ridin on 20s?
Start with a full tank, divide gas by 3 as you fill, when you get back fill it up and divide by

3... Everyone should know on the road trips gas costs are split even so there should be no issues...
I would do it as JoseyMack said - split it and take the cash at the pump as prices will vary as you work your way from state to state and this will keep anyone from saying they got stiffed by paying the $3.20/gal and someone else paid $2.80. A nominal amount when all is said and done but it will keep it so all you have to argue about is who gets the pretty one and who has to 'take one for the team'. See link below. Much more descriptive than the one found on

Have fun and be safe.


p.s. If you are into baseball the MB Pelicans are home June 5-7. It's a sweet baseball park. And on June 6 - “2 For 1” Ticket Night presented by the SC Education Lottery. Fans bringing a non-winning lottery ticket to the box office will receive a buy-one get-one reserved bleacher ticket.

i agree with the taking turns filling it up, you pay for the first one and you rotate for the rest. I have been on many road trips with friends and thats the standing rule. The driver buys the first tank and the other play paper rock scissors or some game to decide the order.
Take turns filling up the tank and Everyone buys their own food.

that would be fair, since it's a class trip....

does anyone remember those magnets for the dash...

... .... ... nobody rides for free?

ha ha ha...

Ok I'll be quiet now :D:D:D
When I drove to senior week with two passengers, I paid for all of the gas. Of course, that was in 2001 when gas was still a buck a gallon and I had an Explorer XLT. I miss those days...
That, and you're getting them there in style. How many other kids are gonna be ridin on 20s?

Haha very true, no other cars with 20's. I think the closest thing to it is some stock Xterra 17's.

I'm leaning towards the fillup and split it three (or four) ways routine. That way it will be as fair as possible with the varying gas prices.

JT14, thanks for the link. I'll look into that for the group.

I did not even answer the question asked. I'm an idiot.

I think it is fair to accept money if offered. When I drove, we were scraping for drivers since most parents would not let their kids drive. Mine agreed with me, however, that it was better if I was in control of the car than placing my existence in someone else's control. Assuming your buddies aren't going with you only because you are driving, but are going with you because they themselves do not want to drive (or cannot), it is fair to get a few bucks here or there for your trouble.
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I would charge each passenger DOUBLE the actual cost. 1 because that's still cheaper than taking a plane and more comfortable than a bus or a train. And 2- the're riding in a Sport Trac. PLus , like GM - Gas, Grass or ........ - U get he idea.:D
I'd charge quadruple the cost, then just offer them a snack lunch for $5 but all the soda they can drink. Oh wait, United Airlines already came up with that idea.