I am in need of a term paper. I need it for an example only...

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Kevin Palmer

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2001
Reaction score
Madison, OH
I enrolled into collage a few months back. We are getting to a point where formal academic writing is part of the class. It is mentioned heavily about documenting your sources and what not. What I am looking for is a paper someone has turned in to give me something to follow. I will not use your text or plagiarize or anything like that. I just want to physically see what the expected end result looks like.

I never had to do this type of writing in high school so this is something new to me and I want to ensure I have a good handle on it.

Thanks in advance...
Sorry, I went to college before papers were routinely done on computers. However, I'm sure if you google "term paper" you'll find many examples. For a few dollars you can get examples of just about anything. Good luck!
Check out this link. You put in your references and it gives you the format required (APA or MLA). It also shows you what to put in the body for the reference.
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I figured there would be good info on the net. Just did not do the search yet. Was sitting here doing school work and realized this is something I will need to do well.

I'll check out the site, thanks..
What "C" said.

Check with the instructor to see what format is preferred. Some schools like APA, some like MLA, some like Turabian, and some like Chicago.


get an MLA Handbook. You can get one at any college bookstore for less than 10 bucks. That will be VERY helpful in citing sources. I don't care much for APA, but getting one of those handbooks might be helpful if your prof is picky about what format you use. Most just want you to pick one and be consistent. Also, many academic databases will give you the full citation at the end of the article, which makes life really easy. The MLA handbook also goes into great detail on how to cite sources within the body of your paper as well as your works cited page. If you still need a paper at the end of the day, let me know and I'll grab a few when I get home from work.

Good luck with school! :)

-Heather in OC
http://www.dianahacker.com/writersref/ I have that book and in the back is an example research paper, my professor said that same example is on that website somewhere. I have a research paper I did a few weeks ago that I got an A on, so if you still need an example I can send it your way.
How about a paper about a great group of people who all have the same type of car, talk on the internet and and how one guy can get info on junk yard parts to keep them all happy! Then they all get together in KY for some fun!!:lol::lol::lol:
I am taking Criminal Justice. It is a challenge but has been enjoyable at thesame time. Doing well in the classes so far. Two classes over a eight week time frame. Requires about 25 hours of time a week to do the required work and study for the quizes. So it is no walk in the park when you have a full time job and a family.

Q, anything would be great. I just would like to see a real example.

I ahve been told I can choose either, so I am going with the MLA method.
I took intro to CJ a couple of terms back. One of my classes this term is Criminalistics (Forensic Science). Should be interesting. All of my classes are online and I've never spent that much time in a week doing school work. Maybe 5 hours per class at the most.

All the papers I turn in are basic papers; intro, body, conclusion, then references. Spell/grammar check, 12 font, double spaced and I haven't received anything less than a B on a paper.