I Am Legend = Ford commercial

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Shaun Tucker

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
London, ON
I saw "I am Legend" tonight and despite the fact that it was a pretty good movie, I walked away with more of the impression that it was a Ford Commercial. Within the first 5 mins of the movie Will Smith is ripping through downtown NYC in a nice red and white Shelby Mustang. The sound of this car made me smile and make a bit of a mess in my pants. The main vehicle that Smith used in the movie was a modified Ford Expedition and at the end the Ford Escape makes a brief appearance. not complaining, but its kind of lame when movies are bought out by a single car maker trying to get a little more advertising, like Transformers (which used all GM vechicles - except the mustang police car for some reason, who also happened to be a villain)
I thought the movie was great. I didn't mind the Ford vehicles at all and thought the Expedition looked exactly like it would look if I was in the same position as Will Smith's character.

The "villain" police car in Transformers was technically a Saleen S281...there were no Ford markings or badges on it, though the silhouette was unmistakable.

Whose vehicles were used in the original version of "Omega Man?"

It would have been nice if they simply named it the same title as the original movie...like they do with other remakes. I could have saved myself three hours of time and a $10 ticket.

[Broken External Image]:
Omega Man was a movie based on a novel titled "I Am Legend". This is the third film based on that novel.

Omega Man was a good movie, but not really in line with the book. It was a pretty loose adaptation.
I am Legend sucked. Will Smith COMMITTED SUICIDE. He tried twice, succeeded once.

His best friend, his dog, was killed, so what does he do? He tries to commit suicide by attacking the mutants...using his Expedition as a WEAPON. The movie proved that the Ford was too great to be taken down by vampiric mutants, and it was too noble to let will smith wuss out and kill himself. Though in the end, will's incredible lack of manhood was too much for the Ford to overcome, and he needed help from a woman from Maryland (represent) to save his sorry behind.

(The mutants helped too, as they jumped on the hood, and pushed the front of the car back down when it was teetering on a ledge over NY harbor, allowing the 4wd to save him)

The Dog (samantha) and the Ford Expedition were the 2 best characters in the whole freaking movie...they were the real men, and that says something.

They made a 20 minute show of his weapons cache and workout routine, but in the end he was a weak loser. He didn't even hedge his bets--locking the woman who saved him along with the cure in a vault was very risky...heck the fire from his kamikaze grenade attack could have asphyxiated her.

He didn't even need to kill himself--the mutants attacked him because he had the mutant king's girl--he could have held her hostage, or even just thrown the grenade through the glass door, but alas not. Will had to be a total wuss and throw his life away "nobly".

When you're driven to commit suicide, you kill the person who is driving you to that end. Problem solved. No matter what you may say about what makes a Man, a real man does not kill himself.

(especially when the beginning of the movie sets him up as a pinnacle of strength)

But, when I saw his lazy butt hunting deer from the drivers' seat of a shelby red mustang--with an M16--I should have seen the pathetic end coming.

Please think twice about seeing this--this makes his previous flop of Men in Black II seem spectacular. This movie is the antithesis of Independence Day. If you ever wondered what ID would have been like, had it been a paramount of suck, I am Legend is it.

(Heck, his "legend" continued on only in some walled off enclave in the annals of VT mountains...some legend. "Your silhouette is like a statue carved in stone--you're a legend, you're own story will be told".....sadly, that did not happen.)

Will, you let us down :(

I thought the movie was ok, but not the "best movie of the year" as the guy who lives above me put it. I actually took notice of the Ford vehicles too. I actually asked my girlfriend while we were in there, "I wonder how much Ford had to pay to put all these cars in this movie." It's pretty evident they had some influence in the choice of vehicles. Not only are the main vehicles (Expedition, Escape, Mustang) Fords, but if you look closely at some of the car props in the city, the majority of them are Fords with the emblem still attached. However, the few other manufacturers that are in there have the emblems removed, just an observation.
Kevin, it was just a movie. LOL You call it "suicide"....what do you call volunteering your life for a greater good? Wouldn't that be the true measure of a man?

I don't agree that the movie made him out to be some sort of he-man. I think the movie went to great lengths to show how he was just a guy in a seriously messed up situation, coping as best as he could. Which is exactly all any one of us can hope for in a TEOTWAWKI situation.

In any case, it was just a movie. I saw it ($5 matinee) because I was interested in seeing how they handled the preparation aspect. I thought the way he had water pumps and heaters throughout his house and turned them on/off as needed was pretty interesting, as was the steel barricade system he had for windows and doors. I wish they had spent more time on the preparation aspect and less time on the mutant aspect, but I realize they needed a "man vs. nature" conflict to write a screenplay around.

Yeah....I didn't make it past the 1st paragraph so I can form my own opinion if I ever see the movie.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy 2008!!

Take Care,

Gary G
I read the first part, then skimmed the rest quickly to try and determine if it was indeed a spoiler. There appeared to be enough info to spoil some scenes at the very least.

Then again, I change the channel or turn down my radio any time commercials come on for my favorite TV shows because I hate previews. I don't mind seeing one several months before a movie premieres to get me interested in it, but I don't like to see anything else until I'm in the theater or watching the actual show.:cool:
lol we weren't looking for a thumbs up/thumbs down AND a critical analysis of the movie, themes, and characters. i liked the movie and although it was blantantly obvious that Ford shelled out the big bucks to have all those vehicles in there, I enjoyed looking at some pretty cool sh*t
I suspect when it came to funding. The invitation was put out there. Ford won the auction. I see nothing wrong. I can think af other movies that were all gm or chry.

I will still see the movie despite kevin. From what I can tell he was the last warrior. I wouldnt call it suicide.
I thought the movie was great. I didn't see anyone commit suicide. I just saw a man that was understandably a little wacky after watching the destruction of mankind and being alone for years. (Guess Kevin thinks it would be a cinch to hold it together under those circumstances).

As for the Fords, it's all about product placement. Nearly every movie does it these days. To me it's no different going to a sport stadium and being barraged by marketing ads. I don't care for it but I'm afraid it's here to stay.
Hmmm...I guess in my late night delirium I got ahead of myself by thinking that anyone who read the thread had seen the movie. Though it was a defendable assumption, it has been proven wrong :)

However, anything I said doesn't really spoil anything, as people in the theatres were calling out what would happen over an hour before it did....not only is it a remake, and the critics blabbed all the details, but the movie is rife with foreshadowing.

He didn't need to sacrifice himself for the greater good in a guaranteed suicide. He could have, as I said, used his hostage, or just gone out in a blaze of testosterone-fueled glory and gone out guns blazing....or he could have just killed the leader mutant when he had the chance 40 minutes or so into the movie. He knew their hideout, and didn't capitalize. Like you guys said before, they had to string out the screenplay, but I wish they had not garnered their extension by making will not take the obvious course of action.

**A question though--if you knew that mutants who feared light and had augmented strength were roaming about, wouldn't you be armed at all times, and carry multiple light sources. (and armed with something better than a 9mm?)

Was my post really that much of a spoiler? The suicide was heavily alluded to in some of the previews that I saw.

Like I said, I saw the first preview a few months ago in the theater. Everything I watch at home is recorded, so I skip through all the commercials. It was news to me.... :cool:
Mark K said:
Whose vehicles were used in the original version of "Omega Man?"

As I recall (it's been a while) , Charlton's car runs out of gas so he walks into a new car showroom with some dead people sitting around, starts up a new 1971 Mustang, and drives it out through the window. I thought that was very cool. :cool:
I'll summarize the good points of the film.

NYC never looked better

An M4 and a GT500 being operated at the same time

Funny interaction with mannequins


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