I am Time magazine's Person of the Year

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"While I'm privileged to be granted this honor, I feel my selection is undeserved, and that selecting me along with millions of other internet users is a cop-out. If you feel the President of Iran is the single most influential person in the world for 2006, then select him and deal with the consequences of no one buying your magazine." :eek:
President Tom (Hitler Ahmadinejad) would have been the likely person had they not gone this way??!?!! WTF!!!!

Please dear god tell me this is a spoof. If it's not, it would just go to show how much of a waste of space and paper Time mag really is.
What's really sad is that Internet users are now the recipients of the same award that was previously won by Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin (both widely known to be mass murderers). I take solace that numerous presidents, Charles Lindberg, Gandhi and two Popes have also won this award. Perhaps Time should change its criteria to award people that have a POSITIVE influence on the World.
I call him President Yabba-dabba-do. I also think his grip on power in Iran isn't as good as he lets on.
I disagree with the need for this recognition to be "positive". It has a long history of going to the person/people who had the most influence that year, be it good, bad, or other, and anyone who is familiar with it knows that it's not a competition. When you look back at the list of recipients, it does a far better job of telling you about the events of that year than any strictly "positive" list would have done.

FYI, Rudy Guiliani (sp?) was recognized as man of the year in 2001--but it was a tight and hotly contested decision, as the internal editors nearly gave it to Osama bin Ladin.