I Can't Stand The Rain~~~~~

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You live in friggen Seattle, man. Doesn't it rain every day? :lol:

The record here was about 25 days in Oct. '86 as I recall, or maybe '87. I was renting a newer duplex at the time and the ground got so soft the foundation cracked and they had to jack it up and rebuild the back corner of the garage and foundation.
Hey SST,

Yes it is warm and sunny here...


45 minutes!!!!!!!

I was only there 4 months, but I bought a season pass-- it has to have a 10 foot base now with all your rain. I would be there every weekend if I could.

You lucky dog!

[Broken External Image]:
large boat... :p And Chops provided a pic of a hill to put it on. Not Ararat, but it'll do.

Anywho... last three weeks have been in the 80s here. Not a drop of rain to be seen. Some of the fog/mist/drizzle (f'mizzle) in the mornings - just enought to pi$$ you off when you realize the dust has stuck to your ST. Like Rich said, some dingleberry keeps lighting something on fire or tossing a butt out the window, making more dryer areas, making more dust for the f'mizzle. SEND RAIN. Just for a little while though, then you can have it back.

It is all relative. If you don't live in the North East you say, "Man, you get so much snow there". If you do live int eh North East you say, "Man, you get so much rain there".

Well your rain would be snow if it was colder and our snow would be rain if it were warmer....

I guess you just have to choose which you'd prefer more of...
I have read that Seattle is suicide capital of America because of the weather. I have also read that dentists have the highest suicide rate of any preofession. Does that mean that dentists in Seattle are all placed on suicide watch right now?????

A friend told me that he can spot tourists and newbies in Seattle becasue they are carrying umbrellas and that the locals just dress for the rain with good outerwear. Is that true?

I just wish the weather in Jackson, MS would make up it's mind. I have been here since the 5th and have seen a high of 34 and a high of 71 in a three day stretch.
wow, too much rain in some parts, none in others. We've only had 1/2 inch of rain since last OCTOBER.
it's raining because of global warming

it's not raining because of global warming

it's cold because of global warming

it's hot because of global warming

your gitlfriend broke up with you because of global warming

your dog died because of global warming

the globe is cooling because of global warming

Or is it El Nino

or is it El Nina
