I think its dead part two

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Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Gasquet, CA
I see my post yesterday about not wanting to deal with my tracs tranny issue brought out alot of comments. I thought I would just post this one as a reason I think I will avoid Fords for now on. As I lay in bed steaming about my trac last night I realized all the Fords in my life, my families, and work life have been PIECES OF CRAP!!!.

(Mine) 2001 Trac purchased w/ 54k rear window motor and switch dead, 65k the "little elbow" cracked, 77k tranny

(family) 95 t-bird 23k insturment panel replaced, gas gauge still not right for unknown reasons

(family) 91 Aerostar 110k engine goes nuclear

(family) 95 F-250 driving of the lot with 7 miles steering is weird, THREE main bolts holding the front end together MISSING. went down hill from there

(work) 06 F-450 flat bed 2000 miles throttle goes out

(work) 05 F-450 utility bed X-cab power stroke 10 cyl. 10k been in shop 4 times for turbo problems

(work) 02 E-350 van 25k miles, mystery battery drain dealer can't find, exhuast falls apart

(work) 99 F-350 4x4 sixpack 45k miles, SIX clutches already

So as you can see either I am a magnet for every crap Ford or they are just crap.

Built Ford Tough my ass:angry:

Well as for me they have been wonderful vehicles:

1980 Pinto - Bought used with 92,000. Added freon to the AC and ran fine until at 143,000 miles on it before I traded it in on a...

1994 Ranger - Bought it new. Only problem was a fuel pump that went at 101,000 miles. Best vehicle I have very owned. At 187,000 miles I traded it in on a....

2004 Sport Trac Bought it new and currently with 57,000 on it and running like a top.

Also had 1995 Crown Vic - Bought it new. Put 77,000 on it, zero troubles but we traded it in on a 1999 mini van - a Mercury Villager (but really not a Ford!) bought it new but at 105,000 tranny started gong so we traded it in on convertable for the wife.

I have nothng but great things to say about Fords. Looking forward to buying another Ford this spring (probably F150).
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Same here...

1979 Capri 4cyl turbo--- 205,000 miles, engine blew up 3x, but then again, 20# of boost and nitrous will do that...

1990 aerostar- 208000 miles, got rid of it because the body rotted off, have not put a dime into it, except for normal wear items

1996 sable, 184000 miles, frame rotted out

2002 sport trac, 114000 miles, have not put a dime into it, except for normal wear items

all ran great, reliable,. but you have to do basic preventative maintenece... i change all of the fluids every year.... brake,steering, tranny, etc.... i use synthetic and change at 15000 miles

the road salt they use up here are murder on the sheet metal....

but, you have the issues and you gotta do what you gotta do, i guess.... maybe time for a different dealer... all mfg'rs have issues, it's just unfortunate that you found them all...

(work) 05 F-450 utility bed X-cab power stroke 10 cyl. 10k been in shop 4 times for turbo problems

just to let you know there is no V10 power stroke

Im with the others we have had more problems with my wifes 2000 honda accord (and honda service dept) than with my sport trac hands down. I had a 1990 f 250 before the trac and got 170000 miles out of it orig engine and tranny, so all of our next vehicles will be fords.
01 ST - door seal issues, fuel pump and tires replaced under recalls, sensor went in engine 70K km's when I traded it in

03 ST - Transfer case, driveshaft, rear axle seal, interior trim, engine parts, etc. I think there were over 20 items replaced on this vehicle under warranty. Had a sensor go after warranty and got rid of this lemon at 70K km's

05 F150 Screw - Cam Phaser knock and parking brake stuck on during first week of ownership I am currently at 77K km's, so it has outlasted my ST's. I think I might make it to the end of the lease with this one. This is by far the most reliable Ford I have owned. This was also their last chance, if this one starts costing me before the lease is up I won't get another Ford, but so far it looks promising.
Could be the lack of maintenance on the vehicles causing them to go bad..

Todd Z
My family and myself have had more fords than anything else. Never had all these experiances of all these ford back bitters. Fords have been good to us.

There have been some small issues. they were repairible. Otherwise I dont fret the small crap. They all have their quirks.

My brother is another story. He believes in GM. He is 7yrs younger, owned fewer vehicles and maintains them. He has spent more money in major and nuisance repairs on GM's, than I have on ford repairs and High performance mods, my whole life...:lol:
All the work vehicles are Government owned vehicles so they receive every standard maint. there is and then some.

and if there is no powerstroke 10 cyl then why does it have the 10 cyl badges on the sides.

another mistake on fords part maybe?
and if there is no powerstroke 10 cyl then why does it have the 10 cyl badges on the sides

another mistake on fords part maybe?

Maybe the guy working on them, or makiing up the story does not know the difference between a gasoline or diesel engine. Ford did build a V10, but it was not a diesel. The Powerstroke Diesel is a V8. A V10 is a gasoline engine.

Maybe I am one of the few people that has no loyalty toward any specific make of vehicle. My plan is to buy whatever I happen to like at the time, this time it was the ST. Of course I do research to make sure not to buy something that has a lot of known problems that have not been addressed. I read a lot on this site and others about the ST before my purchase and there were many people with negative views but just as many or more with positvie ones. I have owned two Ford's, a Mazda, a GMC, and a Chevy truck. I have had small problems with all of them but for the most part have been lucky. I am still of the belief that it is mostly just the luck of the draw that determines how many problems you will have with your vehicle. For every person that has no problems with their ST, or any vehicle for that matter, there is a person that has all kinds of problems. Also as Todd Z pointed out the maintenance and use of the vehicle certainly plays a factor. There are obviously certain vehicles that are found to have more problems but there are few vehicles that are found to have no problems, those are the really lucky ones. My thought is if the above listed problems are the only problems that James has had with a 2001 vehicle that is not really all that bad, many people have had worse with other vehicles. Of course the tranny is a big thing but it could be related to maintenance or how the vehicle has been used (how it was used before he purchased it) or it may very well be bad luck. I for one am going to continue to buy what I want, cross my fingers, and wish for good luck.
Basically the same story here. At work we have 9 ford work trucks between 99 and 06 in varying sizes and milage, and we also have 4 ford vehicles we use for personal use. we have one work truck with an appetite for trannies, and have replaced various sensors in other trucks over the years but thats it. Triton V10, Powerstroke V8 look closer.
lesse...1991 F150XLT, had it 10 years and 180,000 miles. New chutch and radiator, and battery and tires. Still had the origional alternator,starter,aircompressor, ete,ete. loved the truck, but traded it on my 01 Sport trac. She has 110,000 miles on her. I had a bad IAC and tranny. Other than that very reliable. I had the notorious tranny flare, and installed a new tranny. Since the truck was soo good other then that I paid for the tranny.

1996 Taurus, 185,000 miles in it. Wife had it commit suicide by Tahoe back in 2005. only thing I had done to it besides normal maintenence was a windshield fluid motor.

1997 Taurus 250,000 miles in it before tranny died. normal maintenance.

1998 Taurus has 248,000 miles it it and runs well. Still origional tranny.

I have had good luck with Fords and I my next vehicle will be a Ford.(after the wife's Freestyle is paid off)

Y'all have a good one


1965 Ford Thunderbird (Samantha).... she was dead when i got her but she is a head turner and a rumbler now and that 390 is solid.

1992 Ford Explorer (Rose) its kicked ass in Jurasic Park and it just wouldn't die!! Seriosuly I never got her stuck. She never had issues. The only thing that could take her away from me was my ******* leaving her with my sister... who left it in the driveway during a hurricane. Water went over the roof and she was robbed from my by mother nature.

2001 Dodge Dakota (jefro) I owned it for a year. sold it asap. got it for an offer i couldn't refuse and sold it for one someone else couldn't either! HAHA

2003 Ford Explorer Sport Trac It has saved my life once. Given my no problems. and honestly has more character than any other automobile i have ever been in.

Not to mention that there is a Navigator, Expedition, Explorer, Explorer Sport all happily related to me with noooooooooo problems. the expedition survived the hurricane and even though she is a 'totaled' truck she runs wonderfully and has almost 200,000 miles!
All the work vehicles are Government owned vehicles so they receive every standard maint. there is and then some.



Sounds like pebsad issues.
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