The last 2 public elementry schools my ex taught at. They were presented with some material as such. They had meetings about it. It was never put into practice.
She teaches private school now.
My great niece, came home one day. Telling her mother about the 5 pillars of islam. How they started studying,islam. She is 2cnd grade. I dont know to what depth. But it cased an uproar with parents. Including those not christian. I havent asked my neice if they stoped it.
I know the principal of the elementry where I went. Not personaly, but I know who he is. Graduate 3yrs before me, same hi-school. My sister knows him because of volunter work. Also a cousin that sectretaries there. The district sent him boxes muslim islam material. They gave him no specific instrutions. Other than what grade to pass it out to. So he put it all in the back of storage.
Im a Christian, but. I agree public school is not for any religous study. Nor should they stop any teacher or student from practicing or speaking on their personal faith. As long as they are not doing it to educate others.