(a) Speed limits are created for the health, safety and welfare of the public.
Debatable, but I will agree with it.
(b) Enforcement of speed limits furthers this state (or municipal) interest.
Same as above.
(c) A speed trap is nothing more than enforcing the aforementioned in an area where speed limits obviously are not followed; if they were, no one would be pulled over.
Lets find the definition of a trap too put this into perspective...
Pronunciation: \ˈtrap\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English treppe & Anglo-French trape (of Germanic origin); akin to Middle Dutch trappe trap, stair, Old English treppan to tread
Date: before 12th century
1: a device for taking game or other animals; especially : one that holds by springing shut suddenly
2 a: something by which one is caught or stopped unawares; also : a position or situation from which it is difficult or impossible to escape b: a football play in which a defensive player is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage and then is blocked from the side while the ballcarrier advances through the spot vacated by the defensive player c: the act or an instance of trapping the ball in soccer d: a defensive maneuver in basketball in which two defenders converge quickly on the ball handler to steal the ball or force a bad pass
Having the speed limit lower going down a small hill for no real reason, other than to generate revenue, is wrong.
(d) Enforcement, whether by radar or vascar, furthers a legitimate state (or municipal) interest.
It is a tool used to help speed up the process of collecting money.
Now, lets put all this into a different light. Going down the interstate and the speed limit is 65 MPH. When you enter a urban area with XXX people living per square mile, the speed limit drops to 55 MPH. I have no problem with that. That is done for safety.
That same highway goes down a slight hill into an even more rural area and goes from 65 MPH to 55 MPH. That is a speed trap. There is no reason other than to generate revenue is wrong. There is no safety issue. the road is straght with no curves.
Checking speeding is one thing. Having 15 cops on the road with a trap looking for speeders while there is a fight on the other side of towm and there are no ifficers to respont is not about safety, it is about money.
If you honestly feel different, I don't know what else to say.
Maybe our difinition of a speed trap is different.