intermittent turn signal problem

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Bill V

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Brooklyn Park, MN
I suspect that this one is going to be next to impossible to diagnose or fix without tearing my steering column apart--and it may even be extremely difficult to diagnose even if that were to happen--but here goes...

My left turn signal only works intermittently.

About 45% of the time I try to use it, it works. About 45% of the time, it doesn't--it just does the rapid click, like it does when you have a tail light out. And about 10% of the time, you get a bit of both--for example, when you first signal, it doesn't work, but then as you're rounding the corner and starting to straighten out, it starts working, and then stops again well before it should, etc.

It tends to be a bit streaky--I'll go a week where it works nearly 90% of the time, and then the next week it won't work 90% of the time, etc.

The right turn signal works fine, 100% of the time.

I've confirmed that when the left one appears to be working, it truly is, both front and back. And when it appears to not be working, it truly isn't, both front and back.

I'm assuming (perhaps incorrectly?) that the two signals are both on the same fuse, and that therefore there's no problems there, as if there were, I'd also be having at least intermittent right turn signal problems too.

And it's clearly not a bulb, as when the signal works, the lights are coming on.

And the fact that it occasionally changes as the steering wheel rotation is changing seems to indicate to me that the short is somewhere in that area.

Any suggestions on anything quick and easy I can do to either fix it, or at least narrow it down a bit further? I've never pulled a dash or steering column apart, and I desperately don't want to learn how to do so unless there is truly no other option.


Don't know if this applies, project says the faulty connector affects the passenger side.

Don't rule out a failing turn signal switch. I dealt with a similar symptom. The switches aren't terribly expensive and are easy to replace. The link referenced above shows how to get to it.

The problems in the connector that Steve refers to can affect any wire going through that connector. My problem was on the right side brake light. It just depends which wire has come disconnected.

My fix was to reconnect the wires into the connector and use silicone sealer to hold them in tight.

Does the cruise control go through that connector? I've had some weird symptoms over the years, and it could be because of that connector. For about 6 months, when I hit the turn signal either way the lights would come on but not blink. Somehow it fixed itself and started working properly.

About the same time, the cruise control went out. When it went out, the lights on the on off switch went out, but the set side stayed on. Now after about 3 years, the on off side lights have come back on. Cruise still does not work. Any thoughts on that?
TILT the wheel UP TO THE WINDSHIELD all the way............. Drive for a few days, if the problem is gone its the wires..

Todd Z
Thanks for the help guys! I think I may need to go after those wires, as shown in the project linked by swshawaii.

However, there's one thing which the project doesn't show--how to get the steering column cowl off. The project starts with it already removed. I haven't studied it much yet--it may become obvious once I look under the wheel--but are there any tips/secrets/instructions for that step any of you have?


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