Kevin Lang
Well-Known Member
So if a poor 13 year old girl from the inner cities with no real parental support (financial or otherwise) is raped and pregnant and goes ot planned parenthood, or her local hospital for an abortion should she get turned away because taxes won't pay for it, or should she have the child and go on welfare? What other choices are there?
You mean to tell me that there aren't the left-wing equivalents of charities that would fund such abortions without using money collected from our taxes? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. :bwahaha:
I'm starting to get jaded on this whole inner-city underprivileged youth subject (living near Baltimore & DC for so long is having that effect on me), and as such I'm willing to assert that either way, in your scenario, she'll end up on welfare regardless. :boohoo:
Either way, in your scenario, we the taxpayers (the minority) are paying. I'd prefer that we in no way be forced to finance the lifestyles (such as they are) of others. When my tax dollars go to manipulating the lifestyles of others, I am indirectly manipulating the lifestyles of others, and I don't feel comfortable about that, especially when I'm indirectly steering peoples' lifestyles towards ends that I don't necessarily agree with. I've just read an article on the Massachusetts tax-funded sex change operation for a prisoner, so if this sounds extremely jaded to you, that's probably the kicker.