Is Anyone Surprised?

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I'm not surprised at all. The creation of this committee was purely a strategic political move. Neither Democrats nor Republicans on this committee ever intended for it to be successful. That way, both parties can blame each other for its failure.
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress....But then I repeat myself.

-Mark Twain

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.

-Winston Churchill

Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.

-Frederic Bastiat, Economist (1801-1850)

Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it.


A little factoid about this situation as pointed out by Neal Boortz:

The real reason that we are sitting in this position is ecause Congress has failed in its duty of passing a budget. How many Constitutional responsibilities does the congress really have? This is a primary one, and they couldnt even accomplish this! It has been well over 900 days since Congress has passed a budget. Republicans have had control of the House for a little over 300 of those days. It seems silly to suddenly blame our inability to reconcile on budget matters when the Democrats had plenty of time to do things without a Republican House .. but the Democrats chose not to because it wasnt politically expedient.
In my very humble opinion, this country is ready to cave in on itself from the weight of these vote buying SOBs we have for legilators. There isn't a statesman in the bunch, Rep or Dem. Instread of worrying whether Jefferson had sex with his slave or picking apart Washington and Franklin because they were masons, we should thank God that there were men of such a selfless disposition to create this magnificent country. Can you imagine any one or group of politicians in the last 200 years that would pass up the power that those giants did?

Let's go back to basics:

1) The job of representatives in the house was supposed to be temporary and filled by farmers, merchants and tradesmen who had other means of support than being a professional politician. TERM LIMITS NOW! Constitutional convention is the only way to make that happen.

2) The original concept of the new federal government was to be a partnership between the people and the states. That is why Senators were appointed by the states, not elected by the people. Repeal the 17th amendment now!

3) The founders were deathly afraid of a large central government. They knew the way to keep it small was to control its access to funds. Repeal the 16th amendment now!

We have had many years of government under the system devised by those who thought they were smarter than the original designers. What have we got to show for it? 15 trillion in debt! And no matter what anyone says we got into this mess by spending more than we took in. We can only get out of it by reversing that.

Oh well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :rofl:

1. Get rid of corporate lobbyist

2. Don't allow corporations to fund/donate election campaigns

I'm tired of our lawmakers being bought and paid for.

4. Ban all private funds and donations including the candidates' personal money to pay for campaigns. Set up an election fund that all candidates has an equal share on account and the candidate must budget his money to get the best bang for his buck. Campaign spending will be monitored by the GAO. After each primary, the candidates with the lowest vote-count are dropped from the campaign and their account is closed.

5. Ban all political parties, and let each candidate take their own "Unpaid" stance on the issues. I think the political parties are just as bad as the businesses and lobbyist in getting their agenda to the forefront.

Parties don't really make sense to me since neither party entirely encompasses my personal views on any issue.
Ban all private funds and donations including the candidates' personal money to pay for campaigns. Set up an election fund that all candidates has an equal share on account and the candidate must budget his money to get the best bang for his buck. Campaign spending will be monitored by the GAO.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but with this you're suggesting using solely taxpayer dollars to fund elections? What if I don't want to contribute to any candidate at all? If gov't is funding elections via taxpayer dollars, then I don't have a choice in the matter. Gov't will take my property (money) from me at gunpoint anyway to use for election funds.
The only way to fix the problem...everybody and I mean everybody has to stop voting. That means all you dumbsh!ts that just go to the polls and vote the party line need to stop going...everybody. Not one single vote for anyone above the local level.

But, that will never happen. There are those that vote for both parties that think all is just fine as long as their guy (or gal) gets in.

I like that idea, but I don't think it's the "only" way to fix the problem. In south Georgia, Blue Dogs have the historical advantage and Republicans are making the races close. Hard to tell the difference between them on many issues. When you actually know the people running, voting makes more sense.

Currently the standard IRS 1040 form gives you the option of donating $1 of your paid tax dollars to the the election fund (this could easily be raised to allow the tax payer to donate from $1 to $100 instead of just $1). If you don't care to give, you don't have to...nobody is twisting your arm. However, if you decide to donate, you will not be donating the money to any specific candidate but to the general election fund.

The whole purpose is to take the MONEY FACTOR out of the elections and let the American people vote for candidates based on their merits, not the size of their Campaign War-Chests stuffed with Corporate donations and Special Interest Group money. That way it becomes difficult to buy a candidate and obligate him/her to do them special favors when in office....That also goes for political parties as well...since they are nothing more than a Special Interest Group.

I would propose a series of TV debates and the American public will be allowed to call in their vote much like American Idol, Dancing with the Stars or America's got talent shows. They don't cost the candidate any money except travel expenses which would be paid by the General Election fund donations. After the preliminary debates, the final 5-6 candidates with the most votes would continue on to the primaries.

After each few primaries, the candidate with the fewest votes would be dropped from the campaign and all future ballots and no longer receive any more campaign funds. Eventually we will get down to the two or three most popular candidates and they end up going on the ballot for the actual election.

The problem we have now is that we the American people do not really have a choice as to who goes on the ballot, that is done by the current political parties at their national conventions. That's also why we as voters feel cheated in that we often don't like either candidate and must choose between the lesser of two evils? If you are interested in getting your candidate into office, then you have to insure he/she makes it to the final ballot by participating in the voting after the debates, participating in the primaries and stop sitting on your butt waiting for others to pick the canidates they want.


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