Is it necessary to remove side cladding to paint it? Please, TOM R. respond with everyone else!!

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DiveDeep 07

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Hammond, LA
I am wanting to know if it is necessary to remove the side cladding for painting? Also how to properly mask off the front end, taping the painted area off and just exposing the front lower cladding!? Any tips and hints will be appreciated! Thanks, Gary
The side cladding and the rear bumper are SOOOOO easy to remove you will get a better job if you do...

and no taping and stuff...

The front you can do on the truck, but in 1/2 hour or less you can remove that also to paint..

Todd Z
I bought a dollar store table cloth and used that, If you leave it on the truck you may need 2 or three... I used the blue painters tape, The tape line I ran right in the middle of the crease in the front....

The license plate holder has to be removed, I has cheep plastic rivets, and the fog lights I would just cover by sliding a piece of paper between the bumper and the light from under neath...

Todd Z
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Hey Gary S,

If you want some cheap (read free) masking plastic. Lowes has complimentary plastic bed covers for your truck They will cover the entire car if unfolded properly... Raserx
Yes, I would remove the side cladding, it is very easy to do, it allows you to work with the pieces better. I just used plastic garbage bags and taped along the bottom of the "V" in the seam on the front bumper cover.

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Thanks guys for all you help! That just about does it! I will definitely be doing this within the next few months! Thanks for all your help! Gary