Is this normal MPG??

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A lot of factors go into MPG..... resetting the computer, Manually calculating it, maintenance, maintenance, tire pressure, size and type, Fluids, filters, yadda yadda yadda....
I wonder what the 4.0 V-6 gets on the highway, versus 'in-town'. I have an '06 Explorer Limited that easily gets 18-20 on the highway. But I also know that the '08 (and probably all '06-2010 V-8's) get better mileage on the Explorers than their '06 counter-parts. I think that's just due to the efficiency of the bigger motor getting the vehicle moving from a stop. I'd bet the V-6 does better on the highway. But, I think the V-8 does better overall, on average.
I have a 2002 4.0 that I keep track of my gas mileage for ever tank - always fill up, record miles and gallons needed, calculate - had the vehicle since 2016 - put maybe 60000 on her

Anyway on a yearly basis I average roughly 18.6 - mileage has ranged from 15 to 17 puttering around town, home depot etc - highway is basically 18 to 22 even with me, wife, two daughters and luggage - I am not light on the throttle but I also don't get on it too often - to me the 4.0 is not real sporty but sufficient - from what I read it does not seem like the 4.6 is that much more efficient

my company truck- 2019 expedition - has the 3.5 with turbos which has a lot more pep and gets better mileage for a heavier (I think) vehicle - I would love to see a 3.5 set up in my ST
Twin turbo V6. smaller V6, in an expedition (much bigger vehicle, damn those newer motors are better!)

Sick that the newer V6-s, with the turbos, get better gas mileage, but they do. I think that's more just the newer engines are better. They are. But my 4.6 does better in my '08 ST than my wife's 06 does in the Explorer limited.

Ugh, fine, time to deal her '06 for a newer, twin-turbo. I'd deal mine for another, if they still made the ST.
My '08 STA 4.6L V-8 has been showing 19-21 mpg on the instrument panel average mileage display. I do about 50-50 city/hiway driving. I thought that was a bit high and figured there was some problem with the computed average. So, I checked the odometer against mile markers on the hiway. Best I could determine was 4.95 miles at the 5 mile marker. Looked pretty accurate. I zeroed out the trip odometers and filled the tank. After 292 miles the next fill up showed 21.7 on the display. It took 13.87 gallons for a calculated mileage of 21.05 mpg. I did drive to the airport (34 miles mostly hiway) and back twice last week. To date I haven't done any long distance trips where I checked the mileage. Regardless, this truck get's better mileage than my old PT Cruiser GT. I'm pretty happy with it.
My 08 ST with a 4.6 gets 13 to 14, I am curious if yours has a tuner to get that good of mileage ? If so, whose tuner is it ?
My 2010 4.6 STA gets 20mpg when I try and 16MPG when I’m driving it like it should be drive .
I dunno if it has had a special tune. I've had it just under 2 years. It does have an aftermarket exhaust system. Too loud, so I quieted it down. I do drive it economically most of the time. I no longer see the speed limit as a challenge. I usually drive 5 under on the hiway. I'm retired so, I don't see much rush hour traffic.

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