It's May 1st, for God's sake!

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What ever happened to that weather predicting groundhog in PA who said we were supposed to have an early spring this year??

The excuse I heard was that it was the groundhog's handler who misinterpreted the signals that the groundhog was giving him????

Either way, I think both should be fired ! :banghead:

Ah, you guys should live in Washington! Its the only state I know where in the morning I turn the heat on, in the afternoon the AC, and then by the time the sun goes down, I turn the heater back on. I swear out weather out here is freaking bi-polar!

This year Texas has not been much different. Yesterday it was 84 one day and 48 the next day???

All I keep doing is switching from AC to Heat and back to AC...sometimes several times in one day..:banghead::banghead:

I know about August or September, I will welcome the cooler temperatures when it's 105 in the shade, but for now, I would just like the temperatures to stabilize.

Where are the Global Warming idiots now? :bwahaha:


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Al Gore Must be constantly visiting the Upper Midwest. This is definately a winter to remember. I did see somebody refer today as February 91st LOL
Mark, we in the north metro got lucky, and for the most part the snow missed us yesterday. We're getting some today, but I don't think it'll be more than an inch or two--not like what you guys got.

Back in 1990, I was going to school in Milwaukee, and we got 9" on May 10. The only time in Marquette University's history (so far) that they've closed school for weather during spring finals. That's the only thing comparable to this that I ever remember--although even then, we had a really nice April. This year, though, the weather has just sucked for months.

Rich L--The problem with that Pennsylvania rodent is that his two options have always been either an early spring, or six more weeks of winter. That really doesn't apply around here--For MN and WI, six more weeks of winter after February 2 IS an early winter! If they had given him a realistic 3rd option--TWELVE more weeks of winter, he probably would have chosen it and been accurate! :D
Bill V,

Yes, I can certainly understand how Pucksatany Phil's predictions might not hold water in Mn or WI, but they are not even close to predicting weather here in Texas.:angry:

Back in 2004 we had about 4" of snow on the Saturday before Easter??? We don't get 4" of snow in January, much less March or April. For years I planted my garden at the end of February This year I planed my garden the week after Easter and we are still having some nights that get close to freezing

I have always thought that Al Gore and the Global Warming theory was a bunch of BS, now I am even more convinced. Weather and temperatures have always been cyclic in nature. We have gone through numerous warming cycles and many cooling cycles to include the Ice Age....I don't then Al Gore or anyone can predict what the weather will be in 20 or 40 years....Hell, they can barely predict what the weather will be like a few days from now, and half the time that's wrong!
