it's time for our AARP members to check in !

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Bummer gary, sorry for the problems

I play in the 70s. when I reach 70 I quit. might be 8 holes, but hey I shot a 70

I can drive the ball 300 yrds no problem

100 yrds up in the air, 100 yrds to the right, 100 yrds farther to to the right

thats 300 yrds, am good:)
Sounds like the 2010 ST should look like this:

[Broken External Image]:

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I've never got any info on AARP :unsure:

Do you have to be retired to be a member? If so, I'll never join cus I know I'll never retire. :(

i have nunerous health issues way pre-mature for my age. but it doesn't stop me a i still run and play b-ball. just have to stay at it and keep a positive attitude. :)

yes desfox, maybe that is a good thing. aarp usually knocks on your door at 48 !!!
aarp usually knocks on your door at 48

Guess I wasn't home that day, prob wasn't even in the state since I traveled so much back then. ;)

So, is AARP any good? Is it worth it to sign up with them? What do you get for being a member?
have never signed up with AARP, only experiance i have with AARP was my mom took out the life ins plan at age 50, 90 bux per month, she died at 65.

She paid a tad over 16 K for that insurance total, her death benifit was less than 1 grand when she died.
Dave, what about grand kids? Do you add or subtract and how much?

TomT, It doesn't have a pickup bed on it. That would have to be the first mod, so you could haul things. Then a something like a throttle body or such from ToddZ. Then a lift kit and racing stripes.:lol:
Geez Bill......sorry to hear that....she died at such a young age. 90 bucks a month for a life ins. policy seems kinda high. Mine is like 23. per month for a 140K plan.

With that said, it sounds like aarp is not worth it, I've never looked into what all they offer and at what cost.

You can sign up when you're 49.5 years old...if you're so inclined. The best thig is my wife got a card from my sign up and she was only 45. She was not too happy about that! LOL.....

Gary G
AARP is PRO gun control. If you are a gun owner, and a member of AARP, AARP is using YOUR money against you.

Hmm. I have been a member for a few years, read their magazines, view their web site and I have never see anything mentioned about gun control. Where do you get your info?

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