it's time for our AARP members to check in !

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About the only thing I could find was this AARP statement:

"AARP supports measures to eliminate firearm possession by juveniles, convicted domestic abusers and those under domestic violence restraining orders."

I don't see anything wrong with supporting that. Unless your one of those ultra NRA fundamentalist that believe even convicted criminals have the right to "bear arms".

Tom T: I see that you and I are not going to agree on this subject. So rather than continue to escalate the situation, why don't we agree to disagree? I'm willing if you are. After all, it's really our common love of Sport Tracs that matters isn't it? I apologize for even bringing up the subject of gun control...I know how volatile that can be. Here's wishing you a good day!
Gun Control

AARP believes in the Constitutional right to bear arms. But to make the nation safer, we must do what we can to keep guns out of hands of children and criminals. AARP supported the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, which went into law in 1994 with bi-partisan support, but was allowed to expire this year.

AARP supports measures to eliminate firearm possession by juveniles, convicted domestic abusers and those under domestic violence restraining orders.

This statement was made Decembe 10, 2004 and taken directly from their website.

Sounds reasonable to me.


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