ITunes Music

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LaRue Medlin

In Memoriam 1955-2017
Sep 28, 2000
Reaction score
Sumter, SC
Any one know how to convert itunes mp4 songs to mp3?(FREE)? They won't convert through itune because they are "protected files" I bought a song to see if I could put it on cd, but,,, nope...... Hopefully I'm making sense.:huh:
Easiest way I found was use iTunes to burn a CD, then rip the CD back on there in MP3 style. I just use a CDRW and it's good to use over and over again.
I don't know anything aboiut i tunes, but this is a free file converter program that I recently found and have used to convert flash files (flv) to Mpeg's. The program is free for 45 or 30 days good luck

hope it helps...
What Jeff C Said. Apple restrics so much with thier format, and makes it difficult to play thier files on anything other than Apple products... I hate iTunes, but love my iPod..go figure...

In order to get the files onto my AVIC Z1 in my ST I have to burn them from iTunes onto a CD, then pull them off of the CD using Nero in order to put the titles ont them, and then reburn it so that I get the titles onto my Z1 hard drive.... Lot of work...
The only thing I use itunes for is to transfer songs to my ipod that I downloaded from limewire. Never bought anything from itunes. I know, shame on me.
Yep, what Jef C & A1 said. that's the biggest reason I tend to steer folks away from iPods. If you want a good music ANYTHING but an iPod. They are way to fragile and particular compared to the rest out there.
The Zune? Tell me your kidding Big D! That thing got the poorest reviews out of any recent mp3 player out there. Bad battery life, size of a brick, crash prone software, won't play playsforsure, doesn't support podcasts. It won't even work with Microsoft's new Vista operating system. No thanks!!!

As for removing the DRM from the m4a files, you can either burn to CD as suggested and then re-rip them, or if you want to do it without needing to burn to a CD do a google for either QTFairUse6 or MyFairTunes6. They'll both do what you want without needing to rip to a CD.

A buddy of mine bought a Zune, and sold his iPod a few days later. Lots of features are built in that Apple charges extra for, like an FM tuner for example. He said it basically blows away his old iPod.
He said it basically blows away his old iPod.

Must of been a very old iPod for the Zune to better it.

Here's a Zune review from Chicago Sun Times. Sad to say this review is par for the course :(
