Justices extend gun owner rights nationwide (AP)

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It'll be funny when Obama's tenure has lapsed and all those who freaked out and bought a shitload of ammo and extra guns realize they over-reacted.
It'll be funny when Obama's tenure has lapsed and all those who freaked out and bought a shitload of ammo and extra guns realize they over-reacted.

I have to disagree.

extra ammo - not a bad thing, never know when you might need it.

extra guns - not a bad thing. Statistics show, when gun ownership increases, crime decreases.:fire:

Extra ammo and gun purchases - Just helping to stimulate our economy :supercool:

I do carry, and am right now. If you do not carry, remember, there is a chance someone who does can save your life too. remember, when seconds count, police are only minutes away. :grin:
Yeah I heard all the red necks say that Obama was gunna take dem guns away> They of course over reacted. You can only shoot one gun at a time. Why have an arsenal?? Ridiculous!
On another forum, someone said, "You can never have too many guns."

Most psychologists would call that pathological hoarding.
You can only shoot one gun at a time

Frank, you must be siding with the convenience store robbers.

carrying their stolen goods in one hand, and their 38 special in the other.

Of couse you can shoot more than one gun at a time....

they do it all the time in the movies...:banana:

Side note: Don't you libs love that little bull dog Kagen?!?

Unqualified, just like the idiot that nominated her!:banana:

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Oh God no! All those legally acquired guns are gonna kill somebody.........:fire:.......:smack::smack:

:yawn: One can NEVER have too many guns!!!!:grin::cheeky:

On another forum, someone said, "You can never have too many guns."

Most psychologists would call that pathological hoarding.

I am a proud member of this group and I promise I will not protect any psychologists!
Frank throws the "RedNeck card" out more than Sen Byrd threw the "N word" out in his KKK days! Frank must be one of those White guys that is ashamed of his race and is on the "down low" and dreams of being in a cell with a big black guy!:cheeky::bwahaha:

i bet he wears those baggy pants, pants on the ground...
My guns have killed less people than :throwup:Ted Kennedy's car!!

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Most psychologists would call that pathological hoarding.

Try and tell that to my wife about shoes. She would go buy a gun and come after you.:smack::smack::smack:
Wait, let me go count mine to be sure, nope, not enough. Time to go shopping. BY LAW, I am allowed to own a weapon for my own personal protection, target practice or for hunting . I was very lucky to have someone in the right place to help me get a carry permit(no small task in New Jersey). And my "collection" allows me the choice of putting a whole lot of small holes in you or one that will leave a grapefruit sized hole in your chest! THIS IS MY RIGHT, guns are allowed by law and I jump through every hoop, submit to every test and permit requirement that there is! Now, if I could just find some bullets for sale(I have about 2000 rounds, never enough). BC :fire::fire::fire:

"I don't like repeat offenders, I like DEAD OFFENDERS" LOL

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Yea, Uncle Ted can be a little over the top sometimes but that one is on the money. I also like the one where he's sending a message to the the gun control jerks....look real hard at my hand and you'ff see it...It's in there! LOL

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As usual, Franks argument is to call names. And personaly rewrite the constitution and bill of rights, to suit his agenda.

I dont care how many guns you have. if you collect to shoot them or not. It is a right. I have a few. Would like more. Fixed income makes it tough. I belief there is a storm comming. Our founding fathers knew it would eventualy happen, to stay free of tyrants.

I also collect die cast models. So in someone elses eyes make me a metal waster. Some folks only respect the freedoms that suit them. There best inteligence is to call us names.

You guys that collect alot of guns and ammo, do all you want. Someday we may need to share them with our nay say nieghbors, like frank if he wakesup...LOL

IMO,we only seeing the edge of a sleeping giant, that wants control of us. No Im not a paranoid delusional either.
Yeah Ted Nugent the Republican who refused to serve his country in Vietnam. Soiled his pants to play the crazy card. Pathetic coward. Even cross dressing Klinger served his time in the Military. Nuge the Spooge.

I want to go on the record saying that I am not against guns. It is a right to own them. Heck I have one. But the whole putting your hobby in front of your family, or job, or economy thing is the problem. No politician will try to take the guns away. Its unconstitutional, and political suicide! Big voting block the NRA.>>

Have a great fouth of July people!