you may be watching the wrong media network son. Turn the channel and you may bet some information that has a little truth in it.
So you assume that only the channels that YOU watch are telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth???
If you actually read the article you posted it clearly states that the "Right to work" law in Indiana would prevent unions from collecting union dues.... but if they allow collective bargaining, the union could still collect a "Fee". This is the same fight that went on in Wisconsin a few years ago.
I don't doubt the existence of Unions, and if you believe the polls, perhaps their membership has grown. but in Wisconsin it declined who's propaganda are we to believe.
My contention has always been, if you have skills and education, you don't need a union to protect you from labor abuse from unscrupulous employers. I still stand by my statement that Laws have replaced the need for unions... Unions have replaced the robber barons and railroad barons of 100 years ago. Unions are destroying industry in America and have way too much influence on on American politics. They are just another Special interest group that panders to Democratic candidates. Anyone who is pro-union will never agree with that, and that's why they join unions and vote for Democrates.
Texas is a Right to Work state and there are unions here. In almost all cases the unions represent workers who are performing unskilled, jobs. These are jobs that any able bodied person can do with a few minutes or a few hours of training and some practice. The employer can easily hire replacement workers. Again, something that can probably be done cheaper, better, faster by a robots. That has been what has been driving so many jobs to China, especially manufacturing jobs.
BTW You still have not answered my questions "Where are all these Sweat Shops you claim the unions are protecting us from".
Again, your ignorance speaks volumes about you. Don't you think it's odd that nobody on this website agrees with you on anything? It appears that you only come here to have someone to agrue with.