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Just read the 'sticker' post, and someone's got their undies in a wad for nuthin'! Dude needs to chill... or get laid! Take it to a 'U can't tell ME what to do' website, will ya? :)
Well, I'm not going to read the posts that are referrenced (in this thread), but I have to agree with him about the notion of people treating others rudely on this site and the rude reception that people are continually subjected to when an honest question or inoccuous comment is made. This treatment is not made on other web boards that I am a member of and I am too am frustrated often with the rudeness that is (too) often perpetuated here.

That said, I just give those people a ration and put them on my (mental :) ) list of a$$holes to avoid on here!
I have to speak up as well. I agree with Becker, Alan, and anyone else who feels indimidated to post on this website. For this reason I never post, I only read to keep updated on recent mods/TSBs on my truck. The one time I did ask a question, the results were not pretty.

As a railfan, I keep watch on two other online forums, one considerably larger than this. People ask stupid questions all the time, and you know what? Someone will politely answer or somehow point the person in the right direction. Here, if I were to ask, "Where is my oil dipstick?," I can only imagine the responses would include some stupid smiling faces, laughter, and some other nonsense that does not help anything and leaves my quesion unanswered.

With regard to the rules about the sticker contest- that should have been a private matter between Todd and Alan. If the submission was not "to spec" it should have been handled through e-mail rather than in the open forum.

I respect the work Todd, Paul, and everyone else does for this site. As a former webmaster I understand the time and effort it takes manage a large site such as this.

In my opinion, everyone on just needs to CHILL OUT.
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I have to speak up as well. I agree with Becker, Alan, and anyone else who feels indimidated to post on this website. For this reason I never post, I only read to keep updated on recent mods/TSBs on my truck. The one time I did ask a question, the results were not pretty.

I agree with this. I have been ridiculed and made fun of, and one recent post suggested I needed penis enlargement pills (not sure what caused the member to even think about that topic). I have a thick skin and just laugh at posts like this and typically ignore them.

There are around four or five members who can't stand each other here and they will argue with each other on nearly any topic. They also will argue until they are blue in the face if anyone questions their knowledge of ANY subject. I would say they account for close to 20% of the posts on this board. Sometimes their arguments are entertaining, but most of the time they are just childish. I occasionally make a post in those threads to take a side or just make light of some particularly stupid comment made, so maybe some would think I am also one of the troublemakers.

Regarding Alan specifically, I am partly to blame for him leaving. I sent him a personal note as a fellow US Air Force member. I believe he took that note too personally and to the extreme and it caused him to leave. That was not my intent in writing to him, but it seems to be the result.

There are some rules military members must follow when in public. We should be respectful of current US political leaders, We must not publicly campaign for a political candidate, we should maintain operations security (i.e., not give out details of our operations not available to the public), and we should be good examples to the public, because our behavior reflects on every other member of the military. It is our individual responsibility to police ourselves, and to remind others of this if we see a fellow member not following these simple rules. I hope if I ever go outside of these boundaries, someone will also send me a friendly reminder.

The holidays are upon us, and I seem to recall every year that someone or numerous people have these stressed out posts. The holidays are supposed to be a happy time, but a few people aren't happy this time of year. We should support each other and not attack each other. This ST family, like any other, has days when people have a bad day, so let's just stick together and have a little fun during these holidays.
I have been ridiculed and made fun of,...

Lets not forget to say I have ridiculed and made fun of others too.

I occasionally make a post in those threads to take a side or just make light of some particularly stupid comment made, so maybe some would think I am also one of the troublemakers.

Also say "I also start comments to get the pot stiring".

Nelson, I also think you are a good guy, but when you start throwing stones, better make sure you are far away from your own dwelling..


Tom, my dwelling is in Oklahoma and I am in Poland. How far away do I need to be? ;)

You are a good guy too, but you leave yourself open for many innocent jabs like this one. I hope you know I only do this in fun, and not to put you down. All of the people in my family like to tease, so perhaps I should go against my personality and just not do it so much. Sorry if it offends you.
You are a good guy too, but you leave yourself open for many innocent jabs like this one. I hope you know I only do this in fun, and not to put you down. All of the people in my family like to tease, so perhaps I should go against my personality and just not do it so much. Sorry if it offends you.

Nelson, I know I am just guilty as the other guy.

There is actually nobody here I hate. The only one I could honestly say I hated was Q.

Besides that, TJR and sometimes yourself, think you need to talk down to me like I am a kid. I am far from a kid. Like you Nelson, I have been many places most people see in their draems...and sometimes nightmares. I have been a supervisor on many jobs, per co-workers request, because of my fairness, professionalism, and work ethic. I have been $h!t on because I refuse to get on my knees to earn a promotion.

I am a firm believer of fariness. If it is OK for guy number one, then guy number 2 through infinity it should be fine too.

I think all human being should be treated fairly under law, even if that law contradicts my faith. My faith has nothing to do with the government and my government has nothing to do with my faith. Buth try to achieve two parallel goals. One gives us free government on earth where we can choose which lifestyle we want to live and the other rewards us for living the lifestyle we should live.

I am not 20 years old. I was living with my parents until I got married. The reason? Why waste money on rent when I would only spend 100 days a year at home. The rest of the time I was in a hotel room in some god aweful town. I am now married and I moved in with my wife. I waited until I was older to get married. 33 to be exact.

Besides that, I love all the ST members, even guys that think they have to try to treat me like I am a child.


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