Lock Bumping

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Larry Gamble

Active Member
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
Franklin, WI
This has not been in the News around my area, but after looking at the Link, I sure am gonna change my locks....It's so easy to break into a House now, it's scary !!!

Check this out... Just be aware. This is not a joke... do a Google search for "Lock Bumping."


Thanks for posting this. It definately gives a true sense of the security we have in our homes. Even though I have an alarm system, I think I'll still change the locks.

Hell, if you have the typical vinyl siding construction, anyone could quickly and easily cut a hole in the side of your house with a utility knife and get in.

Doors and windows are easily penetratable.

There is no such thing as a secure house.
Any lock that can be bumped will probably also succumb to those electric lock pickers that vibrate. If you think your home is secure, with simple locks and/or a security system, and that gives you some piece of mind, then so be it. But you are kidding yourself. A majority of thefts are not break-ins anyway, they are crimes of opportunity...doors left open/unlocked, garage door remote left in unlocked car parked in the driveway, etc.

If you live in a neighborhood that has a crime problem, invest in bars.

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I know my house is not safe from break-ins despite alarm. I have things that are valuable to me in safes, bolted to the floor and hidden. That is the best I can do. Oh, and the 9mm, .40 cal, .357, .308, .38 special-p, mini-14, ar-15, shotguns, and insurance.

I have commercial dead bolt locks on all my doors that lead to the outside. 500+ each. The keys can't be duplicated unless your the registered owner of the locks. I also have an alarm system

Ironbar - 200 dbs of noise will scare anyone away when it sounds off. Plus your guns don't do too much when you not home.
Not much more that I can say about this subject. I do this all the time getting people into their homes, that are locked out. I also use this when having to rekey a lot of forecloseure and repo houses that the prior owners leave it locked and take the key. Medeco and Primus locks are great, but the normal homeowner won't pay the money for them. Heck,,, even most of the businesses around here won't either. BTW, bumping is not quite as easy as the video shows. But once you get the nack of it, .............
Chase 01 hit the nail on the head.

A brick will break glass without a problem. The best lock in the world is only as strong as the glass in the window is.

Don't get lulled in the sense of security because you have a lock that is just that good.

Glass will break.

Yes, anyone if they try hard enough can get into any house. However, most thieves will not try to break into a house that is alarmed. They don't want to draw attention to themselves.

Our system goes off, even if you break the window, and the call is sent to 911 within 60 seconds. And, I have that much time to call the Alarm company to tell them its a false alarm. I also live 1/2 a mile from the Police Station they come pretty damn quick. I know by experience with a false alarm where I didn't call the alarm system in time.

Those 10.00 locks on most doors do you think they do any justice? I good kick and your in the house.

The window is insured btw.

And, yes I do feel more secured with an alarm, window sensors, motion sensors and quality locks than not having anything at all.