Mark,,, here is what I would suggest. For a rental property go to Lowes or home Depot, etc and buy Kwikset Smart Key locks. DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT buy Schlage.....!!!!! You should be able to buy 2 or 3 combo packs with the same key. If not, you have the capability to re-key your self. REMEMBER THIS!!! KEEP AN ORIGINAL KEY IN CASE THEY LOOSE THEIRS. You can't re-key without one AND they can't be picked.. so if they lock themselves out or loose their keys, the locks have to be replaced. 90% of the time. Charge the tenant for it. Some locksmiths can reset these locks but the have to be unlocked and off the doors. Here in Sumter, it's 40$ service call and 10$ per keyhole to rekey. Plus keys. 3$
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